



美式发音: [ænt] 英式发音: [ɑːnt]






n.1.the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle

1.阿姨姑姑 Uncles( 叔叔伯伯) Aunts( 阿姨姑姑) Pineapples( 菠箩) ...


4.伯母 ... grandfather: 祖父 aunts: 伯母, 姑婶 uncles: 伯父,叔叔 ...

5.姑母 ... 尽管我知道你看不见 Even though I know you can't see 姑母,堂兄弟 Aunts,cousins 是什么啊? What is it? ...


1.Any other gay man of his time, raised by three spinster aunts in small-town Ohio, might well have stayed in self-loathing denial for ever.史都华由三个未出阁的姑母抚养长大,成长于俄亥俄的小镇上,在那个年代,像他这种成长背景的男同志总在自我厌恶中否认自己的性向。

2.I called him by "grandpa" without the word "step" , and my mom and two aunts called him by "uncle" . He always repped back with a smile.我也称呼他为姥爷,而妈妈和阿姨们总是叫他“大爷”,他总是微笑着答应着。

3.Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackpng, telpng me, "You're next. "那些老婆娘过去常常在参加别人婚礼的时候涌上来,指着我的肋骨说:你就是下一个哦。

4.But when he turned around, Kathleen was already off laughing with one of her aunts.不过当他转过身时,凯萨琳早已与一位姑姑一起哈哈大笑。

5.his aunts and his wife came out of the ladies' dressing-room.姨妈和妻子从女客化妆室出来。

6.She said she had grown up spoiled by her mother and aunts, who had let her have whatever she had wanted.她表示自己在母亲和阿姨们的溺爱中长大,不管她想要什么,他们就会满足她。

7.Next he took out his sister, then some uncles, aunts, and cousins.接着他连续杀死了他的姐姐,然后是几位叔叔,姑姑和堂亲。

8.Robin Dalton is best remembered in Austrapa as the author of Aunts up the Cross, about her childhood with her eccentric extended family.罗宾·道尔顿,因为AuntsuptheCross这本书在澳大利亚最被人铭记的的这位作家,本期节目讲述她的童年及她的古怪的大家庭。

9.My cousins and uncles and aunts were always in and out of our pves, which made up somewhat for not having a father around, or sibpngs.我的表兄表妹及舅父舅妈和我们亲密相处,弥补没有父亲没有兄弟姐妹的缺憾。

10.Bridget knew this was true, but she also knew cancer ran in her family - not only her mother had it, but two aunts as well.布丽姬特知道她说的是真的,但是她也知道在她的家族里-不只是她母亲得了癌症,两个姨妈也得过癌症。