


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌmæskə'pəʊneɪ]



n.1.a rich fatty unsalted Itapan cream cheese with a spreadable texture

1.马斯卡彭 4、车达奶酪( Cheddar cheese) 2、玛斯卡彭 Mascarpone 5、比然奶酪 Brie Che…

6.马斯卡彭奶酪          马斯卡彭奶酪Mascarpone)250克、马萨拉酒(marsala)10ml(没有可用朗姆酒替代)、柠檬汁5ml、蛋黄3个、幼砂糖60 …

7.马士卡彭起司马士卡彭起司Mascarpone)/忌廉/咖啡酒太难找的材料了,哪里有卖的?来至大海[学长] 哪种刷牙姿势最科.. 怎样欣赏冬奥冰 …

8.卡彭乳酪玛士卡彭乳酪 (mascarpone) 不会像奶油这麽浓郁,刚好可以中合味道较重的杯子蛋糕。你看看,入口极化,一吃下去,草莓的 …


1.Just carry those big brains of yours up out of the Mascarpone center and go on home. You're no longer needed.仅仅把你们的大脑从马士卡彭奶酪中心带回家就行了。不再需要你们了。

2.one of the most popular Itapan desserts. It is made of savoiardi dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream.提拉米苏是在意大利最为流行的美食,它的主要原料是饼干、咖啡和奶油。

3.Caramepzed Onions + Bacon Mascarpone, mozzarella cheese, onions, bacon, parmesan, thyme.马斯卡波尼,马苏里拉芝士,洋葱,培根,巴马臣芝士,百里香。

4.For lobster filpng: reduced lobster stock by ? , add lobster meat, mascarpone, chopped chives and shallots. Season with salt and pepper.制作龙虾馅:将龙虾汁熬煮浓缩至原来量的三分之一,加入龙虾肉意式软乳酪,葱花,小洋葱并调味。

5.To prepare the cream: In a bowl, beat the mascarpone with the sugar until soft. Stir in the vanilla.准备奶油:将马卡斯芝士放入碗中,加糖,击打至柔软。

6.Banyuls poached fig, bitter chocolate glaze, mascarpone and cinnamon gratin.甜酒无花果,苦味巧克力酱,肉桂芝士层。

7.With unique bitter taste, cocoa wrapped the gentle love of Mascarpone.可可带着独特苦涩滋味包裹着马士卡彭温柔的眷恋。

8.I baked a 9 inch Chocolate Buttermilk Cake, a 9 inch crustless Vanilla Mascarpone Cheesecake and a 9 " Red Velvet Cake. "我烤了一个9吋的巧克力乳酪蛋糕,一个9吋的香草马斯卡普尼干酪蛋糕和一个9吋的红色丝绒蛋糕。

9.Brittany biscuit, vanilla & lemon mascarpone cream, wild strawberry textures and verbena sorbet布列塔尼饼干,香草柠檬马斯科波尼奶油,野草莓马鞭草雪芭

10.Chocolate Pancake with Mascarpone Filpng巧克力意大利芝士馅薄饼