




1.自由之家并未败退。非政府组织自由议会(FreedomHouse)的自由国家名单表明,布什执政之初有86个民主国家,而在他任期结束时, …

6.最高水平走到世界第一等的水平.台湾的言论自由度已经达到世界最高水平(freedomhouse), 香港是倒退的.新加坡好像跟china一样.not fr…


1.You do not have to agree with Freedom House's precise methodology to agree that the autocrats have had the upper hand.就算不认可FreedomHouse的精密计算,你也不得不承认独裁者占据了上风。

2.In its annual report in January, Freedom House, an American think-tank, rated Indonesia the only "free" country in South-East Asia.美国智库FreedomHouse一月份发布的年度报告把印尼评为东南亚唯一“自由”的国家。

3.Freedom House, an American think-tank, says that the media and repgious institutions have come increasingly under attack.美国的一个智囊团FreedomHouse说,媒体和宗教团体不断遭受打击;

4.David Kramer, head of the U. S. -based nonprofit group Freedom House, said that may change with Mr. Putin's formal return.美国非盈利团体自由之家(FreedomHouse)的负责人克拉默(DavidKramer)说,鉴于普京的正式回归,这种局面可能改变。

5.Freedom House, an organization in Washington, released a "Freedom on the Net" report in April.4月份,华盛顿一家组织FreedomHouse发表了名为“互联网自由”的报告。

6.South Africans enjoy a high degree of digital media freedom, according to the Freedom on the Net survey.据自由之家(FreedomHouse)的《网上自由》(FreedomontheNet)调查报告,南非人享有高度数字媒体自由。

7.A new study by Freedom House tries to answer this question.“自由之家”(FreedomHouse)试图回答此问题。

8.Freedom House, a Washington-based advocacy group, last year ranked Singapore 151st in the world in press freedom, behind Liberia and Iraq.去年,华盛顿维权组织自由之家(FreedomHouse)在全球新闻自由度排行中,将新加坡排在了第151位,在利比里亚和伊拉克之后。