




1.下午五点 ... 7pm + Shodai Oko Day:5pm 晚上7时 + 唱题 御报恩御讲法会: 晚上5时 5pm Slow Gongyo 晚上5时 (慢的 …

4.五分埔(2)后山埤 - 五分埔 (>5pm)(3)市政府 - 新光三越,台北101(4)国父纪念舘(5)忠孝敦化(6)忠孝复兴 - 微风广场次序…


1.Shereturned home about 5pm, and when she could not raise him on his mobile, she went outside to see if he was in the grounds.她大概5点钟回到家中,但是她打不通他的手机,她出去看看他会不会在什么地方。

2.A source close to Cadbury said: "The ball is in their court. They've got until 5pm to put up or shut up. "一个与吉百利关系密切的消息人士说:“球在他们手上。他们要不就在下午5点前提出报价,要么就保持沉默。”

3.Finally, we were ready to head out for our site! In fact, we had to, because the mail office had to be closed by 5pm.我们终于可以出发派信了!其实,不走也不行了,因为邮务中心5点钟就要关了。

4.He said, deadpan, that this was because the appeals office closed at 5pm the previous day.他故作冷峻地说,这是因为上诉办公室在前一天下午5点就关门了。

5.At 5pm one Tuesday he posted a spreadsheet psting a selection to the forums and asked members to take a look and email him the best.在星期二下午5点钟,他把一份列出他选择的讨论问题的电子表格发给他的小组成员,叫他们看一看哪个话题是最好的,然后发电子邮件给他。

6.Do be sensible. While 5pm on a Friday might be your prime time, insisting on a slot then might not go down too well.要明智一点。也许周五下午5点是你状态最好的时候,但如果你非要坚持在某个特定时段接受面试,可能会惹人讨厌。

7.A tornado occurring at 5pm Saturday near Suihua, Heilongjiang Province, has killed at least 5 people, Xinhua reported.新华社报道,黑龙江省绥化市15日下午5时发生龙卷风,目前至少已造成5人死亡。

8.Petr Cech has given his first interview since the head injury he suffered at Reading. It will be broadcast on Chelsea TV at 5pm on Friday.切赫在与雷丁队的比赛之后首次接受媒体采访。这个节目会在星期五下午5点在切尔西电视台准时播出。

9.OK, I will see you at 5pm at the coffee there, but I do not go there five minutes earper for the popce. I am the owner of my time.好吧,我5点钟的时候到咖啡店。但我不会提前五分钟去警察那儿的。我是自己时间的主人。

10.About 5pm, there was not warm sunshine anymore, most of people went back to the rooms. Suddenly, the swimming pools looked much more quiet.大约下午5点钟,太阳下山了,多数客人都回酒店房间里了,顿时整个游泳池变得格外安静。