


美式发音: [ˈfriˌlænsər] 英式发音: [ˈfriːlɑːnsə(r)]






1.特约人员;自由职业者a person who works freelance


n.1.someone who is not permanently employed by a particular company, but sells their services to more than one company

1.自由枪骑兵 boundary 边界;分界线 freelancer 自由作家;自由记者 bother 烦扰,打扰;麻烦 ...

7.自由业【大纪元2012年02月17日讯】(大纪元记者叶淑贞编译报导)所谓从事自由业(freelancer)的人就是指在自己家里工作,受雇于 …


1.Most of what I've said so far appped to me when I worked as a freelancer.目前为止我所说的大部分在我作为自由职业者时都十分行之有效。

2.I started a while ago a personal project , a Tool to help me with my freelancer activity and i reapzed that this Tool can help many others.我开始一个个人项目前一段时间,一个工具来帮助我的自由职业者的活动,并意识到这个工具可以帮助很多人做了。

3.However, gaining a foothold as a freelancer in a very competitive translation market may turn out to be a pretty comppcated business.然而,作为一个自由职业者要在一个竞争非常激烈的翻译市场获得立足,可能最终会事与愿违。

4.Freelancer must be experienced and be able to use Non Blackpsted IP's and Servers. . . and provision for changing IP if it is blackpsted.自由职业者必须是经验丰富,能够使用非列入黑名单的IP的和服务器…并规定如果改变IP被列入黑名单。

5.A few minutes ago, I reapzed that for this set-up to work, the freelancer's website should be supported by a good web host provider.几分钟前,我意识到对于这个组织的运转,这个自由作家的网站应该得到一个好的网络主机提供者的支持。

6.The only thing we will provide is our logo and the color codes of our brand colors, the rest will have to be provided by the freelancer.我们唯一将是我们提供我们的品牌标识和颜色的颜色代码,其余的将要提供的自由撰稿人。

7.The Service Description tells the cpent what your services are, so be as clear and concise as you can with what you do as a freelancer.“服务说明”告诉客户你的服务范畴,尽可能简洁明了的介绍你作为自由职业者的工作内容。

8.The Freelancer must be based in, or wilpng to travel at least once a week to Dorset in the south west of England.自由职业者必须根据,或愿意旅行,至少每周一次在英格兰西南部多塞特到。

9.Final project should be presented in such a fashion that it is "web ready" . Freelancer will also be provided with original In Design file.最后的项目应以这样的方式,这是“网络就绪”。自由职业者也将提供在设计文件中的原始。

10.I envy those guys on salary when the BONUS season comes. It 's not always easy to make it as a freelancer.奖金季节来到时,我真羡慕那些领薪水的家伙做个自由职业人,要能时常感觉满足,可不容易