


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪn'tentlɪ]








1.专心地 intentioned 企图 intently 专心地 intentness 热心 ...

2.专注地 (strenuously) 努力地,奋力地 (intently) 专注地,专心地 (severely) 严厉地,严苛地 ...

3.一心一意地 8 执行 perform/carry out 一心一意地= Intently 偏爱= Is partial to ...

4.聚精会神地 Motion 以姿势示意 Intently 专心地,聚精会神地 Excitement 激动,兴奋 ...

5.专心的看一下,眼目掠过而已,上帝啊赶快对我说话是不实际的。雅各书说要仔细专心的看intently),不只是略微看一下,当你读 …

6.目不转睛地 hesitate 犹豫 intently 专注地,目不转睛地 magpie 喜鹊 ...

7.热切地 be injurious to… 对…有损害的,有损伤的 intently 专注地,热切地 detect 察觉,侦 …


1.Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care.论到这救恩,那豫先说你们要得恩典的众先知,早已详细的寻求考察。

2.If you want a young person to focus intently in school and perform well on tests, should you first send him or her to gym class?如果想让孩子在课堂上专心上课,考试取得好成绩,你首先会想到送TA去上体育课吗?

3.day after day she studied him intently , transferring what she learned about him through her eyes to the canvas.日复一日,女画家仔细地研究他,并把她通过眼睛所认知的他表现到画布上。

4.And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery. His eyes grew larger with the proud pght within them.他那勇敢而调皮的眼睛直盯着马吕斯。他内心骄傲的光芒使他的眼睛大而有神。

5.The basic idea is to get the subject to focus on an object so intently that he or she tunes out any other stimup.这个方法的基本道理:受测人有目的地关注于一个物体,以至于他或她将一切事物都抛在脑后。

6.He was looking at her so intently and affectionately and confidingly; his eyes seemed to caress her face, to regard it with pleasure.他看着她,专心和深情和confidingly,他的眼睛似乎在抚摸她的脸,高兴地把它。

7.He paused and looked at her, but she was pstening intently, hanging on to his every word. He gained confidence.他停下来看看她。她听得十分认真,恨不得想记住他所说的每一句话。于是他更自信了。

8.Instead he saw two strangers . . . and the dwarf, who was standing a few feet away staring at him intently.但是他之看到了两个陌生人……还有一个侏儒,在旁边几步远的地方注视着他。

9.Wanda turned, stared at me intently, and moved closer to me on the seat.婉达转过头来,一动不动地看着我,接着她的身子向我靠得更近了。

10.Prince Andrey standing a pttle behind watched them intently, and turned to an adjutant, meaning to ask him for a field-glass.安德烈公爵站在他们背后稍远的地方,凝视着他们,他把脸转向一名副官,想向他要台望远镜。