




1.飞思卡尔 ... ADI( 美国模拟器件) Freescale美国飞思卡尔) Cypress( 美国赛普拉斯…


1.Back in May, chipmaker Freescale told me that a number of tablets would be delayed until January 2011.5月份,芯片制造商Freescale告诉我说,许多平板电脑将推迟至2011年1月发布。

2.Freescale added support for Android to its plans this year because computer makers said they see a market for it.飞思卡尔表示支持机器人其计划今年以来,由于电脑制造商表示,他们看到一个市场的。

3.The chipmaker Freescale today heralded their arrival with the launch of its reference design for the category.芯片制造商飞思卡尔(Freescale)今天发布了该类型产品的基准设计,从而宣告了它们的问世。

4.Our experimental results show that BBS member networks based threshold have features both of small network and freeScale network.实验结果表明基于阂值的BBS成员在线网络满足小世界特性和无尺度特性。

5.This webcast discussion will focus on Freescale's solution for Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).这次在线技术座谈将主要介绍飞思卡尔™的轮胎压力监控系统(TPMS)及其解决方案。

6.These magnetic random-access memories, or MRAMs, went on sale in 2006 from Freescale Semiconductor, a spin-off of Motorola.这种磁性随机存取记忆体(MRAM)在2006年由摩托罗拉的子公司飞思卡尔半导体引入市场。

7.The electronic control air suspension system for vehicle was designed. which uses a microcontroller Freescale MC9S08GB60.设计了一种以飞思卡尔MC9S08GB60单片机为控制核心的汽车电控空气悬架系统。

8.Freescale Semiconductor, an American firm, has already cut back investment.美国半导体公司Freescale已经削减了投资。

9.Some execs say that problems at Freescale stalled Motorola's efforts.一些高管说,是飞思卡尔问题妨碍了摩托罗拉。

10.This month's bidding for Freescale Semiconductor, a chipmaker, highpghts the trend.这个月对芯片制造商FreescaleSemiconductor的竞价则更突出了这种趋势。