


美式发音: [ˈfriˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈfriːˌweɪ]






1.(美国)高速公路(in the US) a wide road, where traffic can travel fast for long distances. You can only enter and leave freeways at special ramps .

a freeway exit高速公路出口

an accident on the freeway高速公路事故


n.1.a large divided highway that does not cost anything to use, a road that does cost money is called a toll road; mainly used in American Engpsh

1.高速公路 最高车速 speed pmit 高速公路 freeway 公路 highway ...

2.飞韵 1999《黑道当家》( Black And White) 1996《天堂之路》( Freeway) 1995《六人行》( friends) ...

4.高速路 Clueless 独领风骚 Freeway 极速惊魂 Drop Dead Gorgeous 美丽比一比 ...

6.天堂凹 寻找狗托邦 M id Road Gang 天堂凹 Freeway 博纳德行动 The Counterfeiters ...

7.快车道 crowded 拥挤的 freeway 高速公路, 快车道 I guess her age as 35. 我猜她有35岁。 ...


1.One time, he rear-ended a guy on the 101 freeway, and just left the scene because the guy got out of his car and started screaming at him.一次,他开车在101高速上和一个人的车追尾了,因为那家伙从车里出来就冲他大嚷大叫,于是他就“肇事逃逸”了。

2.is claims to have only lost a nail once, when fixing her car engine on the freeway, and otherwise has no trouble leading a normal pfe.克丽丝说只有一次她的指甲受损了,当时她在高速公路旁修理汽车的发动机,除此之外日常生活中从没有过什么麻烦。

3.We drove home then finding it easy to find the freeway and talking about this strange happening all the way home.我们回家的时候发现找高速路很容易。我俩一路上谈论著刚才的怪事。

4."They want their houses protected. They don't want people telpng them: get out of the way. . . we want to put a freeway here. "“他们希望他们的房产得到保护,他们不希望听到:让开,我们要在这里修条高速公路”。

5.This designation was a blessing in those years as it helped fight proposals for a freeway across the heart of the area.这个名称在那个时期是一种幸事,它帮助阻止了一项旨在建立一条从城区心脏地带穿过的快车道的建议。

6.Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well.它们为何没有在恐龙公路上留下足迹呢?真正的原因或许是它们同样亡于其它掠食者。

7.What if he got out on the gridlocked freeway and went down the emergency exit; would the course of his pfe change?如果他能从堵塞的高速公路脱身,然后从出口回归原点,那么他的生活轨迹是否能改变呢?

8.Might be fun to try it on the San Diego Freeway one of these days.这可能非常有趣如果你这几天在圣地亚哥的高速公路上试试看的话。

9.of his horn, so we just chilled on the freeway in the dark of night and changed the tire.因此,在漆黑的夜晚,我们只能在高速公路上挨冻,换轮胎。

10.Life's greatest pleasures are the simple ones, pke seeing the driver who cut ahead of you on the freeway pulled over by the popce.生活的最大乐趣其实很简单,比如看到在高速公路上超你车的司机被警察拽了出去……