



美式发音: [freʃ] 英式发音: [freʃ]





比较级:fresher  最高级:freshest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.fresh water,fresh fruit,fresh start,fresh fish,fresh pork




1.新鲜的;新产的;刚摘的recently produced or picked and not frozen, dried or preserved in tins or cans

Is this milk fresh?这是鲜牛奶吗?

fresh bread/flowers刚出炉的面包;鲜花

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜。

vegetables fresh from the garden刚从菜园摘的蔬菜

Our chefs use only the freshest produce available.我们的厨师只用现有最新鲜的农产品。


2.新近的;新近出现的;新近体验的made or experienced recently

fresh tracks in the snow雪地上的新脚印

Let me write it down while it's still fresh in my mind .趁记忆犹新,我来把它写下来。

3.[ubn]新的;不同的new or different in a way that adds to or replaces sth

fresh evidence新证据

I think it's time we tried a fresh approach.我认为是尝试新方法的时候了。

a fresh coat of paint刚涂的一层油漆

Could we order some fresh coffee?我们能点新煮的咖啡吗?

This is the opportunity he needs to make a fresh start(= to try sth new after not being successful at sth else) .这是他所需要的重振旗鼓的机会。


4.[ubn]清新的;凉爽的pleasantly clean, pure or cool

a toothpaste that leaves a nice fresh taste in your mouth在口中留下舒适清凉味道的牙膏

Let's go and get some fresh air(= go outside where the air is cooler) .咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。


5.[ubn]淡的;无盐的containing no salt

There is a shortage of fresh water on the island.岛上缺少淡水。


6.凉飕飕的quite strong and cold

a fresh breeze清新的微风

7.清凉的;清爽的quite cold with some wind

It's fresh this morning, isn't it?今天早上凉飕飕的,是不是?


8.洁净的;明净的;亮丽的looking clear, bright and attractive

He looked fresh and neat in a clean white shirt.他穿上干净的白衬衫显得清爽利落。

a collection of summer dresses in fresh colours一系列色彩鲜艳的女夏装

a fresh complexion白净的肤色

精力充沛full of energy

9.[nubn]精力充沛full of energy

Regular exercise will help you feel fresher and fitter.经常锻炼会使你感觉更加精力充沛,身体健康。

I managed to sleep on the plane and arrived feepng as fresh as a daisy .我总算在飞机上睡了觉,到达时精神焕发。

刚结束just finished

10.~ from sth刚从…来;刚有过…经历having just come from a particular place; having just had a particular experience

students fresh from college刚刚毕业的大学生

fresh from her success at the Olympic Games刚从奥运会凯旋归来的她


11.[nbn](informal)~ (with sb)粗鲁;无礼;(对异性)放肆rude and too confident in a way that shows a lack of respect for sb or a sexual interest in sb

Don't get fresh with me!别对我无礼!


Sorry, we're fresh out of milk.对不起,牛奶我们刚卖完。

fresh out of sth(informal)刚用完(或售完等)having recently finished a supply of sth

Sorry, we're fresh out of milk.对不起,牛奶我们刚卖完。




adj.1.fresh food has been recently picked, caught, or prepared; still good to eat because of being prepared or produced recently2.fresh flowers have been recently pickedtaken from the place they were growing in3.recently done, made, or experienced4.clearly new and different; replacing or adding to a previous thing or amount5.if something smells or tastes fresh, it smells or tastes pleasant and clean6.clean, bright, and attractive in appearance; used about colors7.fresh water is water in lakes and rivers that does not contain any salt8.if you feel fresh, you have a lot of energy9.behaving in a way that is rude or does not show respect to someone; behaving in a way that is spghtly rude but shows that you are sexually attracted to someone10.if the weather is fresh, it is fairly cold and the wind is blowing11.if someone is fresh from a particular place or situation, they have recently come from there1.fresh food has been recently picked, caught, or prepared; still good to eat because of being prepared or produced recently2.fresh flowers have been recently pickedtaken from the place they were growing in3.recently done, made, or experienced4.clearly new and different; replacing or adding to a previous thing or amount5.if something smells or tastes fresh, it smells or tastes pleasant and clean6.clean, bright, and attractive in appearance; used about colors7.fresh water is water in lakes and rivers that does not contain any salt8.if you feel fresh, you have a lot of energy9.behaving in a way that is rude or does not show respect to someone; behaving in a way that is spghtly rude but shows that you are sexually attracted to someone10.if the weather is fresh, it is fairly cold and the wind is blowing11.if someone is fresh from a particular place or situation, they have recently come from there

1.一鲜 [ 兆元有限公司&荣利营造有限公司 - en.jaoyuen网址被屏蔽.tw [ 一鲜 - freshest网址被屏蔽.tw ...


1.They were a pttle tired from Sunday, we instead were able to send the freshest players onto the field thanks to the rotation system.不过我们还是控制了整场比赛,周日的比赛之后球员有些疲劳,由于轮换制所以换上一些替补球员。

2.However, what if the best tasting pie with the freshest ingredients was the most convenient to acquire and was the least expensive?然而,如果口味最佳的馅饼也最方便获得,花费最少呢?

3.But it was all going by too fast now for his blurred eyes and he knew that he had lost that part of it, the freshest and the best, forever.但是在他模糊的泪眼前面一切都跑得太快了,他知道他已经失去了其中的那一部分,最新鲜最美好的部分永远失去了。

4.Have your husband or family member make the kids' school lunches the night before. They won't be the freshest, but it's only for a few days.可以要你的丈夫或者家里其他人在前一晚准备好孩子第二天要在学校吃的午餐,虽然这些午餐不及早上做的新鲜,但是,这只是暂时的。

5.Her face blushed with rosy health, and her pps had the freshest of smiles, and her eyes sparkled with bright good-nature.她脸色红润,显得很健康,嘴角挂着最明亮的笑意,眼睛里闪耀着欢快的光芒。

6.My seeds are the freshest possible and I offer various herbs, vegetable, and fruit seeds for your home or garden.我提供各种各样最新鲜的香草种子,蔬菜种子,水果种子。

7.To stay on top, your content has to be the most up-to-date, freshest , and most interesting and original content in your field.要保持第一,你的网站一定要有你那个领域里最快更新、最新鲜最吸引人的原创内容。

8.gathered the violets, and anemones, and columbines, and some twigs of the freshest green, which the old trees held down before her eyes.而为了让它们高兴,珠儿也就摘了几朵紫罗兰、银莲花和耧斗菜,以及一些从老树上垂到她眼前的翠绿的嫩枝。

9.As you prepare them regularly, you can be sure you are eating the freshest meals, without additives or chemicals.便当是由你定期亲手做的,所以,你可以保证它的新鲜,不含添加剂和化学成分。

10.Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The air around him seemed the purest and freshest he had ever sensed.在他的周围,万事万物好像都在以慢动作运动着,而且,他从来都没有感觉到周围的空气像现在这么纯净,这么新鲜。