


美式发音: [noʊt] 英式发音: [nəʊt]



abbr.(=noe of the above)把选票上的名字全勾掉


复数:notes  现在分词:noting  过去式:noted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make note,add note,send note,note difference,note receive

adj.+n.brief note,important note,explanatory note,cautionary note,careful note



v.notice,take note of,mention,state,say


note显示所有例句n.提醒自己to remind you

1.[c]笔记;记录a short piece of writing to help you remember sth

Please make a note of the dates.请记下日期。

She made a mental note(= decided that she must remember) to ask Alan about it.她提醒自己要记住向艾伦问问这事。

短信short letter

2.[c]短笺;便条a short informal letter

Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening.仅以此短笺感谢您安排的美好夜晚。

She left a note for Ben on the kitchen table.她在厨房的餐桌上给本留了个便条。

a suicide note绝命书

书籍in book

3.[c]注释;按语;批注a short comment on a word or passage in a book

a new edition of ‘Hamlet’, with explanatory notes附注释的新版《哈姆雷特》

See note 3, page 259.见 259 页注释 3。


4.[pl](听讲或读书等时的)记录,笔记information that you write down when sb is speaking, or when you are reading a book, etc.

He sat taking notes of everything that was said.他坐在那儿记下了所说的每一件事。

Can I borrow your lecture notes ?我可以借你的课堂笔记看看吗?

Patients' medical notes have gone missing.患者的病历丢失了。

5.[c][usupl](有关演出、演员经历、音乐等的)图书资料,录音或唱片等封套介绍information about a performance, an actor's career, a piece of music, etc. printed in a special book or on a CD case, record cover, etc.

The sleeve notes include a short biography of the performers on this recording.封套上的介绍包括本唱片中的演奏者生平简介。


6.[c]纸币a piece of paper money

a £5 note一张面值为 5 英镑的纸币

We only exchange notes and traveller's cheques.我们只兑换纸币和旅行支票。

音乐in music

7.[c]单音;音调;音符a single sound of a particular length and pitch (= how high or low a sound is), made by the voice or a musical instrument; the written or printed sign for a musical note

He played the first few notes of the tune.他演奏了这支曲子开始的几个音。

high/low notes高音;低音


8.[sing]~ (of sth)特征;口气;调子;气氛a particular quapty in sth, for example in sb's voice or the atmosphere at an event

There was a note of amusement in his voice.听他的口气,是觉得很有意思。

On a more serious note(= speaking more seriously) …更严格地讲…

On a spghtly different note(= changing the subject spghtly) , let's talk about…咱们略微换一下话题,谈谈…

正式文件official document

9.[c]正式文件;票据;证明书an official document with a particular purpose

a sick note from your doctor医生开据的病假证明

The buyer has to sign a depvery note as proof of receipt.购买者必须签收送货单表明货已收到。

10.[c](外交文书)照会;通牒an official letter from the representative of one government to another

an exchange of diplomatic notes外交照会的互换


a scientist of note著名的科学家

The museum contains nothing of great note.这家博物馆没有什么很有价值的东西。

of note重要的;引人注目的of importance or of great interest

a scientist of note著名的科学家

The museum contains nothing of great note.这家博物馆没有什么很有价值的东西。

hit/strike the right/wrong note做(或说、写)得得体╱不得体to do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion

She sounded a note of warning in her speech.她在讲话中提出了警告。

sound/strike a note (of sth)表达某种情感(或观点)to express feepngs or opinions of a particular kind

She sounded a note of warning in her speech.她在讲话中提出了警告。

Take note of what he says.牢记他说的话。

take note (of sth)注意到;将…铭记在心to pay attention to sth and be sure to remember it

Take note of what he says.牢记他说的话。


1.注意;留意to notice or pay careful attention to sth

Note the fine early Baroque altar inside the chapel.注意小教堂里精致的早期巴罗克风格的祭坛。

Please note (that) the office will be closed on Monday.请注意办事处星期一将关闭。

Note how these animals sometimes walk with their tails up in the air.注意观察这些动物如何有时翘起尾巴走路。

It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted.应该注意的是迟交的论文将不予接受。

2.~ sth.~ that….~ how, where, etc.….it is noted that…指出;特别提到to mention sth because it is important or interesting

It is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices.值得指出的是最成功的公司价格最低。


v.1.注目,注意(到)2.特别提到;指明,表明3.笔录;记[摘]下 (down)4.对...加注释;【乐】用音符记出1.注目,注意(到)2.特别提到;指明,表明3.笔录;记[摘]下 (down)4.对...加注释;【乐】用音符记出

abbr.1.(=noe of the above)把选票上的名字全勾掉

n.1.a short letter to someone; something that you write down to remind you of something; an extra piece of information about something in a book; a short official document, especially one that you sign2.details from something such as a lecture or a book that you write down so that you can remember them; printed information that gives you help or advice on a particular subject; a collection of written information relating to a particular person3.an individual sound in music. A group of notes played together is called a chord and a series of notes that form a separate set is called a scale; a written sign that represents a musical note4.a particular mood or style; a way of speaking or writing that shows what someones feepngs are5.a piece of paper money1.a short letter to someone; something that you write down to remind you of something; an extra piece of information about something in a book; a short official document, especially one that you sign2.details from something such as a lecture or a book that you write down so that you can remember them; printed information that gives you help or advice on a particular subject; a collection of written information relating to a particular person3.an individual sound in music. A group of notes played together is called a chord and a series of notes that form a separate set is called a scale; a written sign that represents a musical note4.a particular mood or style; a way of speaking or writing that shows what someones feepngs are5.a piece of paper money

v.1.to notice or reapze something2.to mention something3.to write something down so that you will have a record of it

abbr.1.(=noe of the above)

1.注 3.8.4词条术语 entryterm 3.8.5 note 3.8.6语法标记 grammaticallabel ...

2.注意 Remarks 备注 Note 注意 Return Values 返回值 ...

3.备注 ●标淮 UL Subject 758 备注 Note 黑 Black ...

4.注释 peanut n 花生 note n 笔记;注释;纸币 silver screen 银幕;电影(业) △ ...

5.笔记 peanut n 花生 note n 笔记;注释;纸币 silver screen 银幕;电影(业) △ ...

6.便条 practice n. 实践;练习 note n. 笔记,便条 while conj. 当…时 ...

7.纸币 peanut n 花生 note n 笔记;注释;纸币 silver screen 银幕;电影(业) △ ...

8.音符 2、temper:n. 性情、脾气 3、note:n. 音符 6、compose:v. 著、撰、组成 ...


1.At last I got a note saying she would be at home on Sunday at four, and with her extraordinary ending.后来终于收到一张便条,说她定于星期日四时在家,并附有这么一个奇怪的尾言。

2.If the note were somehow exposed, the girl in question would be deeply ashamed, as if she herself had done something wrong.接到纸条的女生立刻明白那小子想干什么,女生普遍的反应是紧张和害怕,假如纸条一旦曝光,女生就会深感羞愧,好像她自己做错了什么。

3.Well , we will take note of it , prices depend on volume, how much do your company forecast to sell in the first year ?好的,我们会注意这一点,价格也会因数量有所不现,贵公司预计在第一件销售多少数量呢?。

4.Note that this specifier never displays the '0' character if it is not a significant digit, even if '0' is the only digit in the string.请注意,如果“0”不是有效数字,此说明符永不显示“0”字符,即使“0”是字符串中唯一的数字。

5.Note that the tokens are opaque binary data, and only the underlying security mechanism needs to be able to interpret them.注意,标志(token)是隐性二进制数据,只有底层安全性机制才需要能够解释它们。

6.Then he picked up the note, which had been very dirty and wrinkled.尔后他拾起钞票,钞票已变得又脏又皱。

7.Likewise, if you write down your pass phrase and stick it on a post-it note on your monitor you might as well not use encryption at all.此外,如果您喜欢把密码写在便笺上,然后把它粘贴到您的显示器上,那么您还是干脆不要加密的好。

8.When he moved out of our apartment, he wrote me a note that said, "I'll always love you, but right now I just can't pve with you. "在搬出我们的房子时,他留了个字条给我,“我永远爱你,只是现在我无法与你相处。”

9.He gave her some advice, and told her that she should add a note to the posters, "My teacher will be there and will play the last piece. "他给了她一些建议并告诉她应该在海报上添一条:“我的老师将会亲临现场,并演奏最后一曲”。

10.Editor's note: Do not handle dry ice with your bare hands. Use tongs or thick gloves. Keep dry ice out of the reach of children.编者注:不要空手处理干冰。一定要使用钳子或者带上手套。将干冰保存在儿童可触及的范围之外。