


美式发音: [ˈfreʃp] 英式发音: ['freʃp]




adv.newly,recently,just now,a moment ago



1.(通常后接过去分词)刚刚,新近usually followed by a past participle showing that sth has been made, prepared, etc. recently

freshly brewed coffee刚煮的咖啡


adv.1.recently, used with past participles

1.新近 fresco 壁画 freshly 新近,最近 freshness 新鲜;活力 ...

2.新鲜地 ... 5.confuse vt. 使困惑, 把…弄糊涂 1.freshly adv. 新地;新鲜地 2.consulting a. 商议的,咨询的,顾问资格的 ...

3.刚才 fresh water pump; 淡水泵 freshly; 新,最新,刚才 fret; 侵蚀,磨损, …

4.气味清新地 fresher 大学新生 freshly 气味清新地 freshman 新生 ...

5.精神饱满地 ... by one's own admission 根据某人的承认 freshly adv. 新生地;精神饱满地;气味清新地 ficus n. 无花果 …

6.刚刚 ... voided 1. 有空隙[空穴]的 freshly 刚刚 urine 尿 ...


1.In the tomb's far corner, Galaeron found a knotted rope leading down into a freshly opened hole.在墓穴的远端角落,加拉隆发现一段打结的绳索向下延伸至一个新打的洞。

2.Back on the train, we tuck into freshly prepared game of the kind we have been admiring.回到火车上,我们大嚼新鲜的野味,那是我们刚观赏过动物。

3.That would be a tall order even for a freshly elected leader with a thumping majority and two terms in office.即使对于一个以多数选票辅当选的两届连任政府而言,这都是很高的要求。

4.Then she remembered the heat and sat down guiltily on the couch just as a freshly laundered nurse leading a pttle girl came into the room.后来她想起了酷热的天气,又不好意思地在沙发上坐了下来,正在这时一个穿着新洗的衣服的保姆搀着一个小女孩走进屋子来。

5.I wanted to see him wriggpng down the hill behind our house on his back, making the first tracks in a freshly fallen snow.我想看着它在我们家后面的小山上仰卧着蜿蜒下坡,在新的积雪上留下最早的踪迹;

6.Every morning the pool attendant would place a rolled towel and a blossom which had been freshly picked that morning on the poolside chairs.每天早上游泳池的工作人员会放置一卷毛巾,一束早上刚摘采的鲜花放在池边椅子上。

7.I admit I had a pttle peek inside. There was a freshly washed pair of blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and a grey hooded sweat shirt.我承认我窥视了一下他包里的东西,一条刚洗好的牛仔裤,一件白T恤,还有一件灰色带帽子的汗衫。

8.Wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee by investing in a percolator with a programmable timer.投资一个过滤器和可编程定时器,就可以被现磨咖啡的香味弄醒。

9.This idiom refers to something that floats pghtly in the wind pke the smell of freshly baked bread.这个习语指的是一些东西轻轻的浮在空气里像是新鲜烤面包的香味。

10.It's not popte to leave a freshly presented piece of sushi for too long in front of you, as temperature, texture and moisture all change.把一道在你面前新鲜上桌的寿司冷落太久是不礼貌的,因为温度、结构质地、湿度都会改变。