


美式发音: [freʃ(ə)nəs] 英式发音: [freʃ(ə)nəs]








1.新鲜 fresh 新鲜的 freshness 新鲜 friction 摩擦 ...

2.新鲜度 fresh 清新的,新鲜的 freshness 清新,新鲜 fruit aroma 果香 ...

7.新鲜程度 信息新鲜程度Freshness)。即尽量保证页面数据库和索引数据库中的数据是最新的,能跟随网络上不断发生的变化(如新页 …


1.With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess.第十一个回合的锣声响过之后,桑德尔为了显示他实际上并没有的锐气,发动猛攻。

2.I did not need to go outdoors to take the air, for the atmosphere within had lost none of its freshness.我不必跑出门去换空气,因为屋子里面的气氛一点儿也没有失去新鲜。

3.They bloom with an eternal freshness that seems untouched by time, as though they had been inspired by an unfading spirit of youth.似乎一股未经时光触碰的永恒的清新令它们生机勃发,好似一种永不消退的青春气息在激励着它们。

4.That freshness is something of the spirit, because your body is old but your consciousness can be new and young.这种清新的感觉来自你的精神上,因为你的身体已经老了,但是你的意识可以变得清新并且年轻。

5.Today her books, though no longer easy to get, still read with a freshness that only a good writer can convey.今天她的著作虽然已经不易买到,但是读起来依旧能给人一种只有优秀作家才能给人的清新感受。

6.It might be a bit naive at the moment but there's a lovely freshness about what he does.现在看来也许还有些稚嫩,但是他的作品有一种动人的清新气息。

7.There still faintly beamed from the woman's features something of the freshness, and even the prettiness, of her youth.从那女人的面貌上,仍旧能够隐隐约约地看出来她年轻时候的鲜亮,甚至于标致。

8.high on the bank overlooking the river you could smell it - the freshness, the cleanpness of it in the morning air.在高高的岸边俯瞰着河水,你能够闻到它——在清晨的空气中河水的那种清新和干净的味道。

9.Read it a hundred times: it will forever keep its freshness as a metal keeps its fragrance.把下面这句话读个一百遍:金属永远保有它的气味,诗也永保它的清新。

10.despite her not inviolate past , what still abode in such a woman as tess out valued the freshness of her fellows.尽管苔丝的过去并非白璧无瑕,但是像她这样一个女人现有的优点,也能胜过她的同伴们的新鲜美丽。