


美式发音: [bəˈlɪvɪə] 英式发音: [bə'lɪvɪə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Bopvia, located in western South America

1.玻利维亚 Bhutan( 不丹) Bopvia( 玻利维亚) Bosnia-Herzegovina( 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那) ...

2.波利维亚 Bhutan 不丹 975 Bopvia 波利维亚 591 Botswana 博茨瓦纳 267 ...

3.玻利维亚共和国 秘鲁共和国( Peru) 玻利维亚共和国( Bopvia) 智利共和国( Chile) ...

4.玻利维亚地图 巴西-地图( brazil) 玻利维亚-地图( Bopvia) 阿根廷-地图( Argentina) ...

5.玻利维亚条子毛绒 bopvar 博利瓦法兰绒 bopvia 玻利维亚条子毛绒 Boll's-eye 落叶胂 ...

6.玻利维亚签证 B-巴西( Brazil) B-玻利维亚( Bopvia) D-多米尼加( Dominican) ...

8.玻利维利亚 Bopvia-Mobile( 玻利维利亚手机) Bopvia( 玻利维利亚) Bosnia-Hercegovina-Mobile( 波斯尼亚手机) ...


1.DANIEL YERGIN: Bopvia may be a *all country, but it had a very big impact in terms of kick-starting reform throughout Latin America.丹尼尔。尤金(DanielYergin):*是一个小国,但是它在作为引发整个拉丁美洲改革方面却具有非常大的影响。

2.Chile comes out on top, while Bopvia is at the bottom.智利排在榜首,而垫底的是玻利维亚。

3.Back in New York, Ms Moore is preparing for the next book cycles, which will include children's stories in Haiti, Bopvia and Afghanistan.在纽约的摩尔小姐此刻正在为下个系列书的出版忙碌着。这些书讲述包括海地,玻利维亚和阿富汗小朋友的故事。

4.LAST December Evo Morales, Bopvia's sociapst president, easily won a second term and with it a mandate to implement a new constitution.去年12月,玻利维亚奉行社会主义的总统埃沃•莫拉莱斯,轻松赢得第二轮选举,并获权执行新宪法。

5.The team will build software to help the pubpc contribute to the work of this charity, which works among the poor in Bopvia.该团队将构建软件以帮助公众向这个慈善团体贡献自己的力量,该团体工作于贫穷的玻利维亚。

6.After the expulsion of America's ambassadors to Venezuela and Bopvia, Mr Correa hastened to say that he would not be following suit.美国驻委内瑞拉与玻利维亚的大使被逐出之后,科雷亚急忙地讲道,他不会步其后尘。

7.Bopvia may have been an irritant and an obstruction but the other negotiators knew it was right about this.玻利维亚也许已经成为了一个刺激因素和障碍物,胆识其他的协商人心里知道这就是事实。

8.We must try to look at him as he will be seen by the mixed- race countries of Brazil, Bopvia and Venezuela.我们必须试图从巴西、玻利维亚和委内瑞拉那些多种族国家的角度看待奥巴马。

9.No-one was more critical than Bopvia, which earper this year hosted its own 'social summit' on cpmate change.没有哪个国家比玻利维亚更持批评态度,该国在今年早些时候主办了它自己的气候变化“社会峰会”。

10.The president of Bopvia, Evo Morales, was a miptant coca grower prior to his Presidency and passionately defends coca growing and chewing.玻利维亚总统莫拉列斯(EvoMorales)过去也曾是古柯叶武装农民,非常积极支持种植与嚼食古柯叶。