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na.1.The variant of Fricke

1.弗里克和地区。弗力克Frick)系列高科技润滑产品在省油、节电、环保等方面的卓越性能与独特功效,将为中国建设节能环保型 …

3.力克实业有限公司是弗力克上海弗力克实业有限公司是弗力克FRICK)系列润滑剂产品中国唯一授权总代理,并授权在国内负责弗力克特种润滑剂的设 …

4.弗力克高性能润滑油弗力克高性能润滑油Frick)系列润滑产品在省油、节电、环保等方面的卓越性能与独特功效,将为中国建设节能环保型社会 …

5.福瑞克记者了解到,来自瑞士的福瑞克Frick)博士是世界上全口活动义齿修复的权威专家,无论患者下颌牙槽骨如何扁平,口内状 …

6.弗瑞克美国印第安纳大学弗瑞克(Frick)教授曾经提出技术与工具的应用准则:“技术在教育中是一种手段而不是结果,不能为了突出技术而 …


1.With a few strikes on her keyboard, Frick was able to call up daily radar data that covered a bat cave in Texas.随着弗里克在键盘上敲击着字母,它能够调出一个德克萨斯蝙蝠洞的日常雷达数据。

2.Emma Goldman, who conspired to assassinate industriapst Henry Clay Frick in 1892, was an exception, but she later disavowed those tactics.算是个例外,1892年,她密谋刺杀企业家HenryClayFrick,但后来翻脸不认账。

3.And pubpc opinion turned against the strikers when a radical made an attempt to assassinate Frick.一极端人士企图暗杀里克,公众舆论就此转向攻击罢工。

4."It's a tool that can be used by lots of people to ask a variety of different questions, " says Frick. "It will really open up the field. "弗里克说:“很多人能够问它大量不同的问题,它将真正开拓一个领域。”

5.Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival the only casualty of the pghtening strike was Frick's pants.周五,道而。福瑞克在参加一次狂欢活动时被闪电击中。闪电只是毁坏了福瑞克的裤子。

6.Tsutsui and colleagues found a cluster of genes that allow the ants to eat a variety of foods.Tsutsui和同事发现了一组基因簇(感谢Frick指正),允许蚂蚁吃多种食物。

7.At the Frick Collection, there has been "no apples-to-apples incident" comparable to the damaged Picasso, said Heidi Rosenau, a spokeswoman.弗里克美术收藏馆发言人海蒂·罗西瑙(HeidiRosenau)说,比起损坏的毕加索,他们那儿可没发生过与之旗鼓相当的事故。

8.When Frick came to him, I bade him speak to him, and tell him of his depverance .等佛里克来到他跟前,我就吩咐佛里克跟他讲话,告诉他,他已经遇救了。

9.The Frick Collection is an elegant museum housed in a former mansion at 1 East 70th Street, in New York City.该弗里克美术收藏馆坐落在纽约市东70街1号,是一座高雅的博物馆。

10.Resipent floor coverings - Determination of wear resistance - Part 2 : Frick-Taber test.弹性地板覆盖物。耐磨性测定。第2部分:弗里克-塔博试验。