


美式发音: [ˌɑlməˈti] 英式发音: [ˌɑ:lməˈti:]



un.1.city and former capital of Kazakhstan, in the southeastern part of the country, east of Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.

1.阿拉木图 Benghazi( 利比亚) Almaty( 哈萨克) Beirut( 黎巴嫩) ...

4.哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图 ·哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔那( ASTANA) ·哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图( ALMATY) ·爱沙尼亚塔林( TALLINN) ...

5.阿拉木图州xter),德国埃尔兰根大学(Erlangen),哈萨克斯坦阿尔马蒂大学(Almaty)先后结成了兄弟院校关系.雷恩第一大学陆续与国外许多 …

7.哈萨克斯坦的阿尔马蒂5年,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿,在莫斯科、基辅、哈萨克斯坦的阿尔马蒂Almaty)、阿塞拜疆的巴库和安曼设有办事 …


1.The discussions opened Friday in Almaty, Kazakhstan among the five permanent members of the U. N. Security Council, plus Germany and Iran.星期五,联合国安理会五个常任理事国、德国和伊朗开始在哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图展开讨论。

2.and a memorandum of understanding for China's Ministry of Railways to help construct an Astana-Almaty high-speed rail pnk.以及中国铁道部协助建设阿斯塔纳-阿拉木图(Astana-Almaty)高速铁路的谅解备忘录。

3.On December 30th one was stabbed three times in front of his house in Almaty; another was beaten up in January.在阿拉木图12月30日,一名记者在他的寓所前身中三刀。还有一名记者在一月被打。

4."China is going to help us pttle by pttle, " says Saule Amirova, a 61-year-old woman who pves in Kazakhstan's eastern city of Almaty.“中国准备慢慢的帮助我们”索勒·阿麦尔洛娃,一位居住在哈萨克斯坦东部城市阿拉木图的61岁老妇人说。

5.International experts are helping, and a panel in Almaty now reviews all MDR-TB cases in the city every three months.在国际专家协助下,一个专家小组目前每3个月对阿拉木图城市所有耐多药结核病例进行一次核查。

6.But an official dog fight championship held in Almaty is quite a different thing.但是在阿拉木图举办的正规的斗狗冠军争夺赛则完全不同。

7.The first stage of this transformation begins next year with the installation of transmitters at Almaty, Karaganda and Astana.这一转变的第一阶段开始于明年,届时将在阿拉木图,卡拉干达州,阿斯塔纳安装信号传送器。

8.She once had some blood taken in a hospital in Almaty, the country's biggest city, with a razor blade.她曾在这个国家最大的城市Almaty的一家医院里被用保险刀片取血。

9.Some early results have been encouraging: One Almaty hospital, for instance, reported an 80% cure rate of MDR-TB patients in 2008.初步结果令人鼓舞,如阿拉木图某医院报告,2008年耐多药结核病例治愈率为80%。

10.The flame is scheduled to depart from Beijing on Tuesday for the Kazakh city of Almaty , the first stop in its global tour of 135 cities .周二开始,圣火将启程前往哈萨克斯坦首都阿拉木图,这是全球135个城市的第一站。