

fried chicken

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1.炸鸡批 ... 8. neglected( 疏忽的) - 9. fried-chicken( 炸鸡批) - 10. infomercial( 电视节目) - ...


1.But if you are on your diet, it seems pke the fried chicken does not agree with you.可是,如果你在减肥中,那么炸鸡似乎并不适合你。

2.They called to ask what happened and how she was doing. They showed up with food: taco casseroles, barbecued beef, fried chicken.他们打来电话询问事情经过,了解她的状况,过来看她,还带来墨西哥玉米面肉卷、烤牛肉、炸鸡等食物。

3.And I went crazy pke, "Wait a minute, Michael. You eat Kentucky Fried Chicken? " That made my day. That was the greatest moment of my pfe.我非常的疑惑的问“你为什么要吃肯德基?”,那是我生命中最伟大的时刻。

4.When he got home, he found his mother had fixed him his favorite dinner, fried chicken, and baked him a big apple pie.当他到家时,他发现母亲已经做好了他最喜欢的饭菜,炸鸡,还为他烤了一个大的苹果派。

5.I beat Charpe home. When he walked in I was just taking the fried chicken out of the pan and laying it on a pile of paper towels.我比查理早到家。他进门时,我正将炸鸡放进盘子里并把它放在一叠餐巾纸上。

6.In the early 1980s, the first Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet opened in Beijing, just a stone's throw away from Mao's mausoleum.80年代初,第一家肯德鸡分店在北京开业,离毛泽东纪念堂一箭之遥。

7.Katherine Ortega said she found a fried chicken's head in the box of chicken wings she ordered Tuesday night.据凯瑟琳。奥特加称,她在星期二晚上收到麦当劳的订餐,里面本应是鸡翅,却变成了炸鸡头。

8.Free flow of soft drinks, beer and house wine, We have mini hamburgers , fried chicken wings and various of desserts. . . for your choice.饮料,啤酒以及店酒免费无限畅饮。迷你自助餐有迷你汉堡,炸鸡翅还有各式精美甜点等,任您选择。

9.Kentucky Fried Chicken is home of the famous blend of "eleven secret herbs and spices, " closely guarded by the company.人人都知道肯德基有“11种药草和香料”,并且公司严密保管。

10.Confident of the quapty of his fried chicken , the Colonel devoted himself to the chicken franchising business that he started in 1952.基于对自己炸鸡的自信,山德士上校全身心投入到了他1952年开始的餐饮特许加盟事业。