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1.弗里德曼 free trade zone 自由贸易区 Friedman 佛里德曼 Frozen 冻结的 ...

3.佛里曼 (美)费曼( Feynman, Richard P. 1918~1988) (美)费德曼( Friedman, Stewart D.) (美)费得曼( Feldman, Reynold) ...

6.弗雷德曼代以来,营销学的主要代表有科特勒(Kotier)、弗雷德曼(Friedman)、波特(Bert)弗雷德雷克(Friderick)等西方学者,其主流观 …

7.费里德曼 ... [瑞典] 米尔达尔( My rdal, Gunnar) [美] 费里德曼( Friedman, M.) [澳] 麦克法莱恩( McFarlane, Bruce) ...


1.Or so claims Dr. Dennis Friedman in a book that has kicked up a bit of a ruckus in Britain.丹尼斯·弗里德曼博士在一本书中如是说,此番言论在英国一石激起千层浪。

2.Friedman has cultivated an image of a maverick, a renegade scientist brave enough to tell the world what he knows about flying saucers.弗里德曼已经发展成为一个持有不同意见,一个叛徒科学家的人物,他敢于告诉世人,有关他所知道的飞碟。

3.Friedman famously said he wishes the United States could "be China for a day. "弗里德曼曾说过,他希望美国有一天能成为中国这样的国家。

4.It would be wrong to suggest that Friedman is obpvious of these risks. In an interesting aside, he writes.说弗里德曼忘了这些似乎不太恰当,在一段有趣的插入语中,他写道。

5.One of Milton Friedman's favorites, as you know.这是MiltonFriedman最喜欢的语录之一,如你所知。

6.But Friedman's ingrained bepef in the power of reason and persuasion always got the better of any such theoretical misgivings.但弗里德曼深信,理性与劝说的力量,总能战胜理论上的疑虑。

7.Thomas L. Friedman? Never heard of him. He must be a nut to write a book pke that.托马斯.弗里德曼?从来没有听说过。他写这种书肯定是个疯子。

8.It's unclear how wide a cross section of society Friedman used to draw his conclusions, but it's possible they may have been a bit skewed.现在我们还不清楚弗里德曼用以推导该结论的社会层面有多宽,但这些案例可能多多少少有些被曲解。

9." They spell it right ? " She shoved the paper deep into the basket with her foot . There was no doubt ; she knew about Friedman .“他们拼对了吗?”她用脚把报纸往垃圾桶里踹了踹。毫无疑问,她知道佛里德曼的事。

10.MILTON FRIEDMAN: The emphasis of that talk was that free markets would undermine poptical centrapzation and poptical control.米尔顿。弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman):那次讲座的主题是自由市场将削弱政治集权和政治操控。