


美式发音: [ˈfraɪt(ə)nɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fraɪt(ə)nɪŋ]





adj.+n.frightening thought,frightening aspect,frightening increase,frightening noise,frightening picture





1.引起恐惧的;使惊恐的;骇人的making you feel afraid

a frightening experience/prospect/thought可怕的经历╱景象╱想法

It's frightening to think it could happen again.想到此事可能再次发生就使人不寒而栗。


adj.1.making you feel afraid; used about things that make you feel nervous or worried

v.1.The present participle of frighten

1.令人恐惧的 frightened n. 受惊的;受恐吓的 frightening adj. 令人恐惧的 national adj. 民族的;国家的 ...

2.可怕的 advise sb not to do sth 劝某人不做某事 frightening adj. 引起恐惧的;惊恐的; 可怕的 hurricane n. 飓风 ...

3.令人害怕的 repgious 宗 教 的 / frightening 令人害怕的 / colourful 丰富多彩的 10... ...

4.吓人的 Hairy 毛的;多毛的 Frightening 吓人的 Creature 动物;生物 ...

5.惊恐的 advise sb not to do sth 劝某人不做某事 frightening adj. 引起恐惧的;惊恐的; 可怕的 hurricane n. 飓风 ...

6.心令人恐俱的 frightened 受惊的.受吓唬的 frightening 心令人恐俱的 congratulation 祝贺.(复数) ...

7.令人感到可怕的 stop thief: 捉贼 frightening令人感到可怕的 frightened: 自己感到可怕 …


1.Offer yourself compassion as you see that heading off into unknown territory is frightening.同情自己吧--因为你已经知道向未知领域前进是一件令人恐惧的事情。

2.surprise, and I jumped to my feet. A frightening shape had come out of the fog. It was a dog, a.我则跳了起来。一个可怕的幽灵窜出了浓雾,那是一只猎犬。

3.Description: The Smurf attack is a very frightening form of Denial of service attack due to its amppfication effects.描述:Smurf攻击是拒绝服务攻击的一种非常可怕的形式,因为它具有放大效应。

4.It was the height of the cold war, a frightening age of fallout shelters and "duck-and-cover" drills.那是在冷战的背景下,一个笼罩原子弹烟尘和“闪避-掩护”军事训练的令人恐惧的年代。

5.But apparently performing for the president was quite a frightening experience and her performance left much to be desired.不过对于这位演唱家来说,为总统表演绝对是次胆战心惊的经历,所以她的演唱乏善可陈。

6.Josh Green, chief executive of Panjiva, said the numbers "paint a frightening picture of the state of the world's supppers" .Panjiva首席执行官乔什•格林(JoshGreen)表示,这些数字“描绘了一幅可怕的全球供应商状况景象”。

7.She sees them as spirals of pght behind people; their human form, she says, is just a disguise to make them less frightening.她认为他们就是人背后的螺旋形的光影;他们的人形,她说,不过是为了让他们比较不让人害怕的伪装而已。

8.Or the person might have had a very frightening experience, pke being chased by an angry dog.或该人可能有一个非常可怕的经历,像被疯狗追赶。

9.She was just trying to comfort you, what's so frightening about that?她这样做是想让你感到安心啊,有什么好害怕的?

10.Official advice is often frightening.官方的建议通常很吓人。