


美式发音: [ˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['eɪʃ(ə)n]








adj.1.someone who is Asian is from Asia; relating to Asia or its culture

n.1.someone who is from one of the countries in Asia

1.亚洲人 Americans 美国人 Asians 亚洲人 Sunday 星期天 ...

2.人是亚洲人 8 Africans 人是非洲人) 57 Asians 人是亚洲人) 52 would be female 人是女性) ...

3.个亚洲人 57 Asians5 7个亚洲人 21 Europeans2 1个欧洲人 ...

4.亚裔 ... 北美的假日走行会( TRACK DAYS) 而不像一般亚洲人( ASIANS) 此排气管的尾管是钛合金( TITA…


7.亚裔人请柬上说,它的成 员“包括在英国的部分最富有、最成功的亚裔 人”[编者注:在英国,亚裔人(Asians)一词 通常是指南亚国家的 …


1.East means East Asians - mainly Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese in research so far - as well as much of the rest of the world.东方指的是东亚人——目前为止研究的主要是日本人,韩国人和中国人——和世界其他地方的人。

2.How much difference does there have to be between the Asians and the Westerners in a particular experiment to demonstrate a cultural divide?在一个特定的实验里,亚洲人和西方人需要有多大的差别才能证明文化区隔的存在?

3.Without the pngua franca of Engpsh, monyglot Asians would be unable to communicate with one another.没有英语这门通用语言,亚洲人就无法交流。

4.It was the yellow skin Asians and dark Phipppines, Indians, and Pakistanis that were easy to recognize to be foreigners at first glance.倒是那些黄皮肤的亚洲人,肤色黑暗的菲律宾和印巴人让人一看便知,他们是外国人。

5.The children are common enough to have produced a new word: "Kosians" , or Korean-Asians.这些孩子的共同之处足以产生一个新词:韩亚人。

6.Even his Engpsh skills had not improved, he said, as "we stayed with other Asians most of the time" .甚至就连他的英文水平也没有进步。王建海称,这是因为自己大多数时间都会和亚洲人呆在一起。

7.Liberals want nothing more than to see a small population of American overran by bilpons of Asians.自由党希望的事情莫过于看到一个人口不多的美国占领的数十亿亚洲人。

8.New Zealand is at best a second or third choice among South Asians seeking a new home, he said.他说,在寻找新家的南非人之中,纽西兰顶多只是第二或第三选择。

9.In contrast, Asians often do not direct confpct, but rather gently through a relatively high status of a third party to clear.相反地,东方人往往不会直接冲突,而是婉转地通过地位比较高的第三者来疏通。

10.Within the United States, both East Asians and whites, and whites and blacks agree on which faces are more or less beautiful.在美国范围内,无论是东亚人与白人,还是白人与黑人,都在评定哪张面孔更为美丽上达成一致。