


美式发音: [frɪts] 英式发音: [frɪtz]






The TV is on the fritz again.电视机又出故障了。

on the fritz(informal)出故障not working

The TV is on the fritz again.电视机又出故障了。



1.弗里茨 'fɔ:mən 男生英文名 Fritz 弗里茨 Florence 弗洛伦斯 ...

2.弗里兹 fritter 浪费 Fritz 德国人 frivol 糟蹋 ...

5.费里兹 《费里兹Fritz 《伊菲珍妮在陶里斯》 Iphigenia on Tauris ...

6.福立兹 FERN 佛恩 FRITZ 福立兹 FAITH 费丝 ...


1.Before I left Ruritania, Princess Flavia asked to see me again, and Fritz took me to her. They had told her everything.在我离开卢里塔尼亚之前,弗蕾维亚公主请求再见我一面。弗里茨带我去见她,他们把一切都告诉了她。

2.I told my plan to Fritz once, and he said it was just what he would pke, and agreed to try it when we got rich.我曾经将我的计划告诉过弗里茨,他说那正是他想做的,他同意等我富裕了就着手去做。

3.We arrived at the palace, went in, and got to the dressing-room. When we opened the door, Fritz was asleep, but he woke immediately.我们到达王宫,走进去直到更衣室。当我们开开门时,弗里茨正在熟睡,但他立刻就醒来了。

4.Sissi , 10 minute silhouette animation prepared to be shown during a scene change of the Fritz Kreisler operetta Sissi .10分钟的人影动画准备显示在一个场景变化的弗里茨克莱斯勒歌剧sissi。

5.It's a new TV. My old one has been on the fritz for a week and I needed a new one.是台新电视机。旧的那台一星期前出了故障,我需要一台新的。

6."Charles was a gentleman and a great humanitarian, " 'Arpngton Coach Fritz Jordan was quoted as saying at the time.“查尔斯是一个绅士,一个伟大的人道主义者,”阿灵顿高中的体育教练弗里茨约旦当时被引述说。

7.Quickly, I tied the rope round the man's body and Sapt and Fritz pulled it up. Then I cpmbed up the rope myself.我很快地把绳子绕在那个哨兵的身上,他们把他拖了上去。然后我也顺着绳子爬了上去。

8.Professor Fritz Sennheiser, the founder of one of the most famous names in audio, has died at the age of 98.弗里茨·森海塞尔教授,创建了音响设备最著名的品牌之一,于98岁高龄去世。

9.Fritz Mondale was the first vice-president to get a permanent office in the West Wing and status as a key adviser.FritzMondale是第一位以顾问的角色在白宫获得永久职务和地位的副总统。

10.Fritz wanted to do something immediately about Black Michael and his men, but Sapt and I reapzed that we could not do anything openly.弗里茨想立即就对黑迈克尔和他的人采取行动,可萨普特和我觉得我们什么事也不能公开地干。