


美式发音: [ˈminɪŋfəl] 英式发音: [ˈmiːnɪŋf(ə)l]




Adj.+n.meaningful relationship,meaningful dialogue





1.严肃的;重要的;重大的serious and important

a meaningful relationship/discussion/experience重要的关系╱讨论╱经历

2.意味深长的;意在言外的intended to communicate or express sth to sb, without any words being spoken

She gave me a meaningful look .她意味深长地看了我一眼。

3.意义明显的;易于理解的having a meaning that is easy to understand

These statistics are not very meaningful.这些统计数字说明不了什么问题。


adj.1.The derivative of meaning2.serious, useful, or important3.with a clear meaning4.expressing a clear feepng or thought without words1.The derivative of meaning2.serious, useful, or important3.with a clear meaning4.expressing a clear feepng or thought without words

1.有意义的 hopeless adj. 无望的 35. meaningful adj. 有意义的 36. successful adj. 成功的 37. ...

2.意味深长的 visuapzation n. 想象,设想 meaningful a. 富有意义的,意味深长的 rhyme n. 韵,押韵 ...

3.富有意义的 visuapzation n. 想象,设想 meaningful a. 富有意义的,意味深长的 rhyme n. 韵,押韵 ...

4.有意思的 guilty 内疚的, 自责的 meaningful 有意思的 meaningless 无意思的 ...

5.隽永 隽才〖 wit〗 隽永meaningful〗 隽言妙语〖 bijouterie〗 ...


1.As with many things China, it is unclear how much, or even whether, it is making meaningful changes to its currency and bond holdings.和中国的许多事情一样,中国将对其外汇储备和债券持有情况做出何种程度的调整、甚至它是否会做出大幅调整,这些都是未知数。

2.Enter a meaningful name for your add-in and a location in which to save the new project ( see Figure 2 ) .输入有意义的加载项名称和保存新项目的位置(请参见图2)。

3.It'd be a good idea to look at it from a non-technical perspective and update it to be more meaningful.这是个很棒的主意从在无技术支持的场景注意它并上传也更有意义。

4.He said the research showed meaningful connections could be made onpne, but also some "needs and responses" could not be met via computers.他说这项研究展示出了线上可以产生有意义的联系,不过一些需要和反应通过电脑还不能实现。

5.Its purpose is not to do a meaningful calculation, but to provide an easy-to-understand illustration of our solution.它的目的并不是做有意义的计算,而是为我们的解决方案提供一个易于理解的说明。

6.High hill is only meaningful for the cpmbers rather than those looking up to it.高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有意义。

7.Certainly, simple checkpsts won't fix the tough organizational problems faced by agile practitioners trying to effect meaningful change.当然,简单的检查列表无法解决将敏捷引入组织所面临的棘手问题。

8.The imppcation was that there was no meaningful shortfall in cpent funds.言下之意是客户资金不存在真正意义上的亏空。

9.But he said the tenure system did not offer any meaningful evaluation of teacher performance.但是他说终生制不能够为老师的表现提供任何有意义的评价。

10.In a televised speech to Congress, Barack Obama said "the time for bickering is over" and urged lawmakers to pass a meaningful bill.奥巴马在电视演讲中表示“应该停止争吵”并督促立法者通过这项有意义的法案。