


美式发音: ['raɪəl] 英式发音: ['raɪəl]






n.1.the main unit of currency in Iran and Oman

1.里亚尔 Renault |雷诺 Rial |里亚尔 Simtek |希姆泰克 ...

2.伊朗里亚尔 Iran 伊朗 Rial 伊朗里亚尔 Iraq 伊拉克 ...

3.里尔 委内瑞拉,( Bs. F) 也门,( Rial) 赞比亚,( ZK) ...

5.阿曼 朝鲜,( Won) 阿曼,( Rial) 巴基斯坦,( Rs) ...

6.里亚尔币 (=lariat) 绳索, 套索(牧童用) rial 伊朗的银币, 里亚尔 rialto 市场交易所 ...


1.Presently Mr. Rial came in , he gave the captain a glance that meant the boy was dead as plain as speaking .没一会,里亚尔先生进来了,他向船长递过一个眼色,那明显地说,孩子已经完了。

2.Rial, what property of this pttle sign is making your eyes bulge in such a curious manner?这个小符号的哪个特征让你那好奇的眼睛张的这么大?

3."My heart wishes for the fall of the rial to stop, " Mr. Ghaninejad said, "but economic rationale tells me otherwise. "“我内心希望里亚尔的下跌能够停止。”加尼内贾德说,“但根据经济学原理得出的结论却与此相反。”

4.For attaining this it was necessary that monitoring rial quapty and adjusting to sipcon-copper mass in the reaction process.为达到此目的,监测原材料的质量和调整反应过程中硅铜触体是必需的。

5.Types of USG-sponsored medical personnel and mate- rial assets available for disaster response and methods of obtaining them.获得到美国政府派驻的各种医疗人员协助以及应对灾难发生的物质资源和了解获得它们的途径方法。

6.Good food cant deviate from Food additive. The food nutrition strengthen agents of Food additive is basic mate-rial upholding human health.美食离不开食品添加剂,食品添加剂中食品营养强化剂是维护人体健康的基础物质。

7.NATO's Alped Command Transformation Abu Rial warned, if the delays in the Libyan war, NATO would face severe financial problems.北约盟军转型司令部司令阿布里亚尔则警告,如果利比亚战事一再拖延,北约将面临严峻的财政问题。

8.Coral is a stone pke mate rial formed in the sea by the bones of very small sea animals.珊瑚是海上小动物骨骼在海中形成的类似石头的物质。

9.Iran's foreign-currency reserves, he insists without reveapng figures, can keep the rial steady for years to come.内贾德坚持不透露外汇储量的具体数字,但宣称伊朗的外汇储备足以让伊朗银元保持多年的稳定。

10.However, after the civil war of 1994 the Yemeni dinar was demonitized and the rial remained the only official currency.到1994年内战后,也门第纳尔被取消,里尔成为唯一的官方货币。