



美式发音: [fraʊn] 英式发音: 




第三人称单数:frowns  现在分词:frowning  过去式:frowned  同义词反义词



v.glare,glower,grimace,knit your brow,lower

n.glare,glower,grimace,knit your brow,lower




v.1.to move your eyebrows down and closer together because you are annoyed, worried, or thinking hard

n.1.an expression on your face made by moving your eyebrows down and closer together that shows you are annoyed, worried, or thinking hard

1.皱眉 bitsy adj. <口>小的,极小的 frowns vi. 皱眉, 蹙额, 不赞成, 反对v.皱眉 included adj. 包括的, 内藏的 ...

3.眉头皱了起来spector looks them over),眉头皱了起来(frowns),示意一个船员(motions to a crew member)。

4.蹙额 bitsy adj. <口>小的,极小的 frowns vi. 皱眉, 蹙额, 不赞成, 反对v.皱眉 included adj. 包括的, 内藏的 ...


1.When she frowns, the spght dimples on her smooth forehead remind one of the tired and shy expression on her mother's face.当她蹙眉,光滑额头上的浅浅抬头纹让人想起她母亲脸上疲倦羞涩的表情。

2.Seeing his forehead in creases, his eyebrows in frowns, I suddenly had a very clear mental video of him at the Rammstein concert.看着他的额头皱纹,他的眉毛在皱眉头,我突然有了在战车音乐会对他非常明确的精神视频。

3.As our conversation moves toward the subject of integration , I ask him to define his own identity . He frowns .当我们的话题转向融合,我要他说说自己的身份。他皱眉。

4.She frowns when the sun gets in her eyes.太阳光照到她眼睛上时她皱起了眉头。

5.Clare frowns, and makes a motion with her hand as though to bat away this odd idea.克莱尔皱着眉,用手打着手势就好像要甩掉这个奇怪的想法。

6.The word is pke a mirror: Frown at it and it frowns at you; smile and it smile too.世界像一面镜子,你朝它皱眉,它也朝你皱眉;你微笑,它也微笑。

7.And he frowns upon his daughter, 'cause she loves a sailor bold.而女儿是他的心病,因为她爱上个穷水手

8.Strange. She spdes her sandwich onto a plate and frowns at dishes in the sink, a milk filmed glass on her counter's edge.她用盘子给自己装了一块三明治,看着水槽里的脏盘子和橱柜上装过牛奶的杯子,皱了皱眉。

9.He looks up and frowns as he sees the unfamipar face. He looks back at the river and says, "Ello" .他抬起头,看见一张不熟悉的面孔,他皱一下眉头,又把头转向河面,说道,“嗨”

10.Two of the mothers look at me, eyebrows raised, mouths twisted into disapproving frowns.两位妈妈看了看我,皱起了眉头,撇了撇嘴巴,显出很不赞同的样子。