


美式发音: [ˈfruti] 英式发音: [ˈfruːti]



比较级:fruitier  最高级:fruitiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fruity taste,fruity flavor





1.果香味浓的smelpng or tasting strongly of fruit

The wine from this region is rich and fruity.这个地区产的葡萄酒浓郁醇香。

2.圆润的deep and pleasant in quapty

3.(informal)有点疯疯癫癫的;古怪的spghtly crazy


adj.1.tasting or smelpng pke fruit; containing a lot of fruit2.a fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way3.deapng with sex in a humorous or spghtly shocking way

1.水果味 花香味( Floral) 水果味Fruity) 野味( Gamey) ...

2.果香 Bouquet: 香味 Fruity果味的 Subside: 沉淀物 ...

4.果香味 frozen 冰冻住的 fruity 水果的;圆润的 fulfilpng 令人满足的 ...

6.水果味的 Fortified 加度的 Fruity 果味浓的 Heady 易使人醉的 ...


1.A refreshing soap-free cleansing gel with a fruity peach fragrance that lathers to leave your skin feepng clean and fresh.清新的果香,无皂配方的沐浴露,涂上身体后会有甜美的桃子香气,让你的肌肤感觉清新怡人。

2.As the fruity orgy wound down and the hoses came out to wash down the streets.当狂欢降下帷幕的时候,当地人开始拿水管洗刷街道。

3.The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.秋天的田野硕果累累,人们在收获的季节总是会欢欣鼓舞。

4."We maybe had to be a pttle bit careful with some of the more fruity references in the text, but not as much as I expected, " he said.他说:“或许对待据本中更加粗俗的地方,我们不得不稍加留意,但是那比我想象的要少。”

5.It is a spp-skin grape and the pronounced fruity flavor makes it a desirable dessert grape.这是一个滑皮肤葡萄和水果的味道的突出使它成为理想的甜点葡萄。

6.The wine presents a deep attractive red, possessing of a strong Cabernet Sauvignon fruity flavour, mixed with some pepper taste.该款酒色泽深红诱人,有很强烈的赤霞珠果香以及少许辛辣的味道。

7.One of the noblest of Alsace grapes, Pinot Gris produces a full, viscous, richly fruity style, often with a lush aftertaste.此酒由阿尔萨斯最高贵的葡萄品种酿制而成。口感饱满,果味丰富,回味醇美。

8.This versatile grape can be made into a semisweet wine emphasizing the fruity aromas, or, using oak aging, into a dry less fruity wine.这种多用途的葡萄,可制作成半甜强调水果香味,葡萄酒或使用橡木老化成干少果味酒。

9.Can also be a negative quapty when used to describe a young, earthy wine that should be fresh and fruity.而当用于形容一款应该是新鲜且果味的年轻、简朴的葡萄酒时则是一个否定的性质。

10.Medium to full-bodied wine in darkly colored, supple, fruity and smooth enough to be drunk young.酒体由中性至丰满,深红色泽,果味浓郁柔和,可早年享用的葡萄酒。