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网络释义:快速自旋回波(fast spin echo);快速自旋回波序列;嵌入式脸部图像处理中间件(Face Sensing Engine)



1.快速自旋回波(fast spin echo)功能在相机的实际操作中命名为人脸识别)采用OKI Face Sensing Engine (FSE)提供的人脸识别技术,是一个内置的影像处理 …

4.节事(Festivals and Special Events)5 事件类:分为大“event”和节事FSE)。 教学网站: 教学网站 hzgd.id666网址被屏蔽 4 (二)国内的界定 1 内涵—外延型: 会展是 …


6.快速自旋回波脉冲序列EPI技术是结合了梯度回波脉冲序列(GRE)与快速自旋回波脉冲序列FSE)。一般的GRE序列是利用正反极性的梯度磁场使 …


1.The cause of FSE is an infectious agent called a prion, and prion protein accumulates in the brain tissue as a substance called amyloid.FSE的病原是一种感染性蛋白,这种感染性蛋白像淀粉质一样在脑组织积累。

2.Each kind of FSE on the host society, economy and culture combined effects, is also getting bigger and bigger.各种节事对举办地的社会、经济、文化等综合影响,也越来越大。

3.Finally, on the basis of the above study, the part 7 proposed on FSE tourism and development of urban tourism.最后,在以上研究的基础上,在第7部分提出旅游节事和城市旅游协调发展的建议。

4.Methods: Use the showing image of 32 cases external injury of knee joint in routine SE series.方法:通过32例膝关节外伤病例在常规SE序列、FSE序列和STIR序列中的影像表现,分析STIR序列的优越性。

5.Materials and Methods: 35 patients with soft - tissue diseases were examined with MR STIR and FSE T2WI.材料和方法:选择了35例软组织疾患者同时行磁共振STIR像和FSET2加权像的扫描。

6.A certain extent, Qingdao is a FSE city.一定程度上讲,青岛是一个节事城市。

7.The development of the FSE tourism in Qinhuangdao is later and the theory research on the FSE tourism in Qinhuangdao is pttle.秦皇岛的节事旅游发展较晚,至今关于秦皇岛节事旅游的理论研究还很少。

8.and the sequence of FSE to measure T2 value of cartilage disorders.采用快速自旋双回波成像测量软骨病变的T2值。

9.FSE-MMA algorithm appped in wireless communication system at sea分数间隔MMA算法在海上无线通信系统中的应用