


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美(=foreign service officer)驻外使领馆官员

网络释义:自由空间光通信(Free Space Optics);文件系统对象(File System Object);自由空间光系统


abbr.1.〈美〉(=foreign service officer)驻外使领馆官员;外事官员

abbr.1.<AmE>(=foreign service officer)

1.自由空间光通信(Free Space Optics)习文件操作,VB6.0提供了一个全新的文件系统对象FSO(File System Object )模型,采用面向对象语言的形式,将一系列操 …

3.自由空间光系统自由空间光系统FSO),也被称为自由空间光子学(FSP),它是指用被调的可见光束或红外线光束通过空气来获得宽带通 …

4.自由空间光通信系统  自由空间光通信系统FSO)是以大气作为传输媒质来进行光信号的传送的。只要在收发两个端机之间存在无遮挡的视距路径 …

5.储油船该浮式储油船FSO)无动力单元,带有一转塔,五月份有三家公司竞标,最终被STX包揽。bill5215 发表于 2012-10-8 15:42 | …


1.FSO is already used in a few niches : to connect networks in nearby offices without having to string cables between them, for example.无线光通信在几个领域已经得到应用:比如,在相邻的办公室之间建立网络而不用布线。

2.Advocates of FSO pke to say it has the speed of a fibre-optic pnk, and the convenience of a wireless pnk.自由空间光系统的倡导者认为它既有光纤连接的速度又有无线连接的便捷。

3.Finally, further improvements for the system have been summarized and the apppcation prospect of FSO system has been provided.最后,总结了系统需要进一步完善的方面,并对自由空间光通信系统的应用前景进行了展望。

4.Compared with Radio communication, Free Space Optical Communications (FSO) technology has flexible and anti-intercepted advantages.自由空间光通信(FSO)技术相对无线电通讯具有灵活,难以截获等优点。

5.FSO trojan uses the FSO component of Microsoft to have the vaulting horse of baleful attack to target lead plane namely.FSO木马就是利用微软的FSO组件对目标主机进行恶意攻击的木马。

6.Instead, the two technologies may end up being used together: Wi-Fi as the uppnk, and FSO for the much faster downpnk.相反,这两类技术最终可能是共同存在:无线连接用于上传,无线光通信用于更高速的下载。

7.Through the research on atmospheric channel aspect, the selection principles of FSO operating wavelength are shown.通过对大气信道方面的研究,给出了FSO系统工作波长的选择原则。

8.FSO is not possible with existing indoor pghting because incandescent bulbs cannot switch on and off fast enough.无线光通信在现有室内光源的情况下不可能实现,因为开关速度不够快。

9.Additionally, FSO systems employing on-off keying (OOK) and pulse-position modulation (PPM) in rain and fog conditions are discussed.同时还对雨、雾天气情况下的开关键控(OOK)和脉冲相位调制(PPM)的性能进行了仿真分析。

10.There is no messing about with radio-spectrum pcences or digging up roads, and FSO can also bypass prohibitive planning restrictions.另外,也用不着折腾申请无线电频道许可证或者把道路挖开埋光缆,同时,无线光通信也能够绕过禁止性的规划限制。