




1.科学时报国《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)的科学专刊Science Times)作为研究对象,对两者2000年全年的版面与文章(不 …

7.美国纽约时报的科学专刊时报》发挥其科技类纸质媒体与科学家联系紧密的优势,科学网Science times)则发挥网络媒体传播迅速、易读取、易保 …


1."Science Times" : At the diagnosis of TB means of study, whether there are more advanced methods?《科学时报》:在结核病诊断手段研究中,目前是否有更先进的方法?

2.Q. Dr. Hawking, thank you so much for taking time to talk to Science Times.霍金博士,非常感谢你抽出时间来接受《纽约时报》科学栏目(ScienceTimes)的采访。

3."Science Times" : after all these years, why not a more effective introduction of new vaccines?《科学时报》:经过这么多年,为什么没有更为有效的新疫苗推出?

4."Science Times" : the drug resistance of tuberculosis in recent years has constrained the process of TB drug treatment choice.《科学时报》:结核病的耐药性近年来制约了结核病治疗过程中的药物选择余地。

5."Science Times" : At present, the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis which has the primary means?《科学时报》:目前治疗耐药性结核病的主要手段有哪些?

6.As my Well column in today's Science Times notes, growing bones can't handle the same stresses as mature bones.正如我在今天的《科学时间》杂志健康专栏里所写的那样,尚在发育过程中的骨骼承受不了发育成熟的骨骼所能承受的压力。

7.Consider the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in the Science Times on Tuesday.看一下CarlZimmer于周二在《科学时报》上发表的一篇关于描述果蝇实验的文章。

8."Science Times" : the pathology of TB is pke?《科学时报》:结核病的病理是怎样的?

9.I have an article in Tuesday's Science Times assessing next steps for the Intergovernmental Panel on Cpmate Change.我在本周二的科学时报上发表了一篇文章,文章中我讨论了政府间气候变化专门委员会的进一步发展前景。