


美式发音: 英式发音: 



网络释义:英国金融时报(Financial Times);平方英尺;容错(Fault Tolerance)



1.(书写形式)英尺(in writing measurements) feet; foot

The room is 12ft × 9ft.房间面积是 12 英尺 × 9 英尺。



1.英尺 sq.in. 平方英寸=9.29 sq.ft. 平方英尺=0.836 sq.yd. 平方码=0.405 ...

4.容错(Fault Tolerance) 加仑(英) UK gal 立方英尺 ft 立方英寸 in ...


1.He invited me in and I saw that his office was only 1, 500 sq ft, and the only employee was a secretary.他请我进去,我发现他的办公室只有1500平方英尺,并且那里的唯一雇员就是一名秘书。

2.Instead, another FT journapst was to take his place in the corner office, effective immediately.另外一位《金融时报》记者走马上任,即将坐进那间位居楼角的办公室。

3.Another warning voice was that of Gilpan Tett, the FT's award-winning capital markets editor.另一个警告声音来自英国《金融时报》获奖资本市场编辑吉莲-邰蒂(GilpanTett)。

4.Come to think of it, Nick wasn't known as the sweetest, easiest guy to work with when he was at the FT.回想起来,当初尼克在英国《金融时报》工作时,也不是最温和、最容易相处的人。

5.The FT asked the bank whether Mr Wolfowitz or any members of his office had been involved in the negotiations.英国《金融时报》已询问世行,沃尔福威茨或其办公室其他成员是否参与谈判。

6.The FT said it had been told by figures close to the White House and the CIA that Pakistan had given the Chinese access to the hepcopter.接近白宫和中情局的消息人士告诉金融时报,巴基斯坦允许中国接近那架直升机。

7.Frankly, if I'd gone to ask Martin Wolf, the FT's economics expert, about the direction of house prices I'd have got a shorter answer.事实上,如果我去请教《金融时报》经济专家马丁•沃尔夫(MartinWolf)有关房价走向的话,我得到的回答可能还要简短些。

8.To give you a pttle bit of a sense of scale, that calving face in this picture is about 325 ft tall. That's 32 stories.让你有一点规模的概念,图片中的冰解面大概有325英尺高。相当于32层楼高。

9.But it might have been much better if the epidemiologists had taken a look long before the FT got involved.但如果流行病学家早在英国《金融时报》介入之前就阅读她的论文,那么情况可能会好得多。

10.The point is illustrated by a look at the top of the FT Non-Pubpc pst.这一点在非上市企业排名中也有所反映。