




1.亚拉腊山挪亚方舟在汹涌洪涛中载浮载沉一年又十天,后来停泊在亚拉山Mount Ararat)顶颠,他的幼子雅弗(Japheth)踏上旱地…

8.亚拉臘山根据原文,亚拉臘山(Mount Ararat)是一个多山的地区而不是单一个山, 古


1.Fox News reported today about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claims to have found Naoh's ark on Mount Ararat.福克斯新闻今天报道说,一支土耳其-中国联合探险队宣称在亚拉山发现了诺亚方舟。

2.It has inspired countless expeditions to Mount Ararat in search of the ark.它鼓舞了无数的远征在亚拉腊山寻找方舟。

3.From Mount Ararat, Shem traveled west. Genetic data reflects a clear picture of this journey.挪亚一家在亚拉猎山解散后,闪往西走,基因资料清楚显示这个支系的移动方向。

4.However, a mere regional flood would not send Noah's ark up 12, 000 feet on Mount Ararat.然而,仅仅是一场区域性的洪水是不会将诺亚方舟送至海拔12000英尺的亚拉拉特山的。

5.Instead, we will go in search of the vanished civipzations born in the shadow of Mount Ararat.相反,我们将在在亚拉腊山的阴影消失的文明诞生的搜索。

6.Our story, too, will take us to Mount Ararat, but not in search of the ark.我们的故事,也将带我们去的亚拉腊山,但不是在搜索的方舟。

7.Previous expeditions have also come back from Mount Ararat with evidence of Noah's ark.之前的探险队也有带着诺亚方舟存在证据从亚拉拉特山归来的。