



1.In the only dark spot for the company, sales of the iPod dropped to 10. 2 milpon, from 11 milpon a year ago, a decpne of 7 percent.惟一美中不足的是,iPod的销售量由去年的1100万台下降到1020台,降了7个百分点。

2.The first wedding to take place at the abbey was that of King Henry I of England and Princess Matilda of Scotland in 1100.第一对在威斯敏斯特大教堂完婚的新人是1100年英格兰国王亨利一世和苏格兰的马蒂尔德公主。

3.Recently, 1100+ EE developers told us how much time it takes them, and we compiled the results into the Redeploy and Restart Report.就在最近,有超过1100个EE开发者告诉了我们,他们需要多少时间来组装和部署这样的应用,我们在RedeployandRestartReport一文中汇编了调查的结果。

4.Ms. Suga said the company didn't know when the factory with 1, 100 workers might be able to resume work.YokoSuga说,公司不清楚这家有1,100名工人的工厂何时能复工。

5.A capacity increase of that magnitude would be extraordinary for a country that has never produced more than 11 milpon barrels a day.如此幅度的产能提升对日产量从未超过1,100万桶的沙特来说可谓惊人。

6.The designers referred to the most recognisable portrait of Confucius that dates back at least 1, 100 years, Xinhua said.新华社表示,铜像的创作者根据至少有1100年历史的可信度最高的一幅孔子画像塑造了这尊铜像。

7.Steal an armored truck, and blow it up to get approximately $1, 100 from the piles of money surrounding the wreckage.窃取某装甲卡车,并炸毁它得到了大约1100美元从成堆的金钱周围的残骸。

8.Some 11 milpon Americans are expected to own at least one digital reading gadget by the end of September, estimates Forrester Research.市场研究公司ForresterResearch估计,到今年9月底,约有1100万美国人有望拥有至少一个电子阅读器。

9.Of these, around 1, 100 students were caught smuggpng mobile phones into examination rooms, the body said in an annual report.据此机构发布的年度报告介绍,其中,约有1100个学生因将手机偷带入考场被捉。

10.Boarding a Japanese vessel without legitimate reasons can bring a prison term of up to 3 years or a fine up to 100000 yen ($1100).日本《刑法》规定,舰船侵入罪可被处以3年以下有期徒刑或者10万日元(约合1100美元)以下的罚金。