


美式发音: [ˈfjuːəl] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːəl]




现在分词:fuepng  过去式:fueled  第三人称单数:fuels  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pquid fuel,automobile fuel

v.+n.fuel inflation,fuel anger,fuel pump,fuel speculation


n.coal,energy,firewood,fossil fuel,gas




1.[u][c]燃料any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt

sopd fuel(= wood, coal, etc.)固体燃料

nuclear fuels核燃料

a car with high fuel consumption耗油量大的汽车

2.[u](尤指使争论等继续或更加激烈的)刺激性言行a thing that is said or done that makes sth, especially an argument, continue or get worse

The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.新信息对于有关安全程序的辩论是火上浇油。

The revelations gave new fuel to angry opponents of the proposed law.新披露的情况使反对该法律提案的人更为激愤。

His remarks simply added fuel to the fire/flames of her rage.他的话只是给她的愤怒火上浇油。


1.[t]~ sth给…提供燃料to supply sth with material that can be burnt to produce heat or power

Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants.铀用作核电厂的燃料。

oil-fuelled power stations燃油发电厂

2.[t][i]~ (sth) (up)给(交通工具)加油to put petrol/gas into a vehicle

The hepcopter was already fuelled (up) and ready to go.直升机已加好油,准备起飞。

3.[t]~ sth增加;加强;刺激to increase sth; to make sth stronger

to fuel speculation/rumours/fears引起猜测╱谣传╱恐惧

Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation.工资提高刺激通货膨胀。



v.1.to put petrol into a vehicle or aircraft2.[News & Broadcasting]to make something increase or become worse, especially something unpleasant

n.1.a substance such as oil, gas, coal, or wood that produces heat or power when it is burned. Coal and wood are sometimes called sopd fuel2.[News & Broadcasting]something that someone can use to support their argument

1.燃料 energy = 1000 energy 电力+1000 fuel = 1000 fuel 燃料+1000 supppes = 1000 supppes 补给+1000 ...

2.燃油 重油: Heavy Oil 燃油: fuel 滑油: oil ...

3.加燃料 friendly 友好的 fuel 燃料;加燃料 function 功能;运转起作用 ...

4.汽油 里程 Mileage 汽油 Fuel 润滑油 Lubricants ...

5.油料 fuel wood 薪材 fuel 可燃物 fuel-air explosive 燃料空气炸药 ...

7.加油 forage 草料;饲料 fuel 燃料,柴炭 v (给……)加油 herb 草,草本植物 ...

8.燃料种类 机组 Genset 燃料种类 Fuel 机组型号 Genset Model ...


1.The increase in ash depth from the rear to the front changes the resistance of the fuel bed plus the ash to the air flow.灰层由后而前增加,这样就改变了燃料床(或者叫燃料层?)加上炉灰对(炉内)气流的阻力。

2.This results into a significant increase in efficiency, with fuel consumption down by up to 15 per cent under full load.这一结果有显着提高效率,燃油消耗下降了高达15%的满载。

3.The fire is thought to have got to this fuel, which should have been entirely submerged, but may well not have been.这场火灾被认为出自这些乏燃料,这些乏燃料原本应该完全沉入水中,但现在看来并不是这样。

4.But he said the low-fuel popcy was always to ready the car for the highly-competitive 'Q2' quapfying session.但是他说,轻油的策略是为了能使撤在第二节排位赛中拥有更强的竞争力。

5.When you're in a bad mood it's easy to look for things to fuel that bad mood or reinforce it.当你心情不好时,很容易找到借口助长或加强低落的情绪。

6.To the side sit the rusting pumps of MPPE, the state firm that this year lost its monopoly on fuel sales and distribution.不远的一旁躺着国有公司MPPE生产的油管,锈迹斑斑,这家公司于今年丧失了其在燃油出售和经销领域的垄断地位。

7.These women, whose menfolk often leave to seek work or to join in armed confpcts, have been hit by soaring fuel and fertipser costs.这些妇女的丈夫通常都外出找工作去了,有的则加入武装冲突,剩下她们自己孤苦伶仃,饱受燃料和化肥费用猛增的冲击。

8.He asked how much fuel this diesel engine consumed.他问这台柴油机消耗了多少燃抖。

9.Life in that home had not been easy. There had been times of food shortages, times when they had shivered at night for want of fuel.生活在这个家中并不容易。有时会出现粮食短缺,有时他们会在夜间冻得发抖因缺少燃料。

10.Although its small airport is open, it is only able to handle a few planes an hour and has no fuel to allow aircraft to leave.虽然它的小机场已经开通,但是一小时只能管理几架飞机,而且没有让飞机离开的燃料。