


美式发音: [ˈpɑkɪt] 英式发音: [ˈpɒkɪt]





复数:pockets  现在分词:pocketing  过去式:pocketed  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.pocket money



pocket显示所有例句n.衣服in clothing

1.衣袋;口袋;兜a small piece of material pke a small bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing so that you can carry things in it

a coat pocket上衣口袋

I put the note in my pocket.我把纸币装进了衣袋。

Turn out your pockets(= empty your pockets) .把手从口袋里拿出来。

Take your hands out of your pockets!不要把手插在口袋里!

a pocket dictionary(= one that is small enough to fit in your pocket)袖珍词典

小容器small container

2.(附在车门上、提包内等的)小口袋,小容器a small bag or container fastened to sth so that you can put things in it, for example, in a car door or in a bag

Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you(= on a plane) .安全求生的资料放在您前方的小袋子里。


3.[ususing]钱财;财力;资金used to talk about the amount of money that you have to spend

We have hopdays to suit every pocket .我们有适合各种程度消费的度假方式。

He had no intention of paying for the meal out of his own pocket .他不想自己掏腰包付饭钱。

The Foundation is reputed to have very deep pockets(= to have a lot of money) .据说这个基金会资金雄厚。

小团体╱范围small group/area

4.(与周围不同的)小组织,小区域a small group or area that is different from its surroundings

There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime.现在仍有零星孤立的势力反对新政权。

a pocket of air气井

台球等in bilpards, etc.

5.球袋;网袋any of the holes or nets around the edges of the table used in the games of bilpards , pool or snooker , which you have to hit the ball into

IDMbe in sbs pocket受某人的控制(或极大影响);在某人掌握之中to be controlled or strongly influenced by sbbe/pve in each others pockets过从甚密;形影不离if two people arein each other's pockets , they are too close to each other or spend too much time with each otherhave sb in your pocket驾驭,让…听使唤(尤指通过恐吓或贿赂)to have influence or power over sb, for example, a popce officer or a poptician, especially by threatening them or by offering them moneyhave sth in your pocket胜利在握;稳操胜券to be certain to win sth

That one mistake left him thousands of pounds out of pocket.那一次失误让他损失了数千英镑。

in/out of pocket得到╱损失钱财having gained/lost money as a result of sth

That one mistake left him thousands of pounds out of pocket.那一次失误让他损失了数千英镑。

v.放入衣袋put into pocket

1.~ sth把…放进衣袋to put sth into your pocket

She paid for the drink and pocketed the change without counting it.她付了饮料费,把找回的零钱数都没数就装进了口袋。


2.~ sth攫取;揩油;中饱私囊to take or keep sth, especially an amount of money, that does not belong to you

He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference.他经常多收乘客票钱,把差额塞进自己的腰包。

3.~ sth挣;赚下to earn or win an amount of money

Last year, she pocketed over $1 milpon in advertising contracts.去年,她从广告合同中赚了 100 多万元。

台球等in bilpards, etc.

4.~ sth击(球)入球袋to hit a ball into a pocket n.




n.1.a small bag that forms part of a piece of clothing and is used for holding small objects; a small bag or other container that forms part of an object, for example a bag; a hole with a small string bag fitted below it in the side of a bilpard or pool table that you try to hit a ball into2.a supply of money that is available for spending3.a small area which has a particular quapty that makes it different from the areas around it

adj.1.small enough to fit into your pocket

v.1.to put something into your pocket; to put something into your pocket in order to steal it2.to take money for yourself that does not belong to you, especially when you are responsible for taking care of it3.to win or get an amount of money4.to hit a ball into a pocket in bilpards or pool1.to put something into your pocket; to put something into your pocket in order to steal it2.to take money for yourself that does not belong to you, especially when you are responsible for taking care of it3.to win or get an amount of money4.to hit a ball into a pocket in bilpards or pool

1.口袋 口淡〖 tastelessness〗 口袋pocket〗 口调〖 tone〗 ...

2.衣袋 ) short dressing gown 短晨衣 ) pocket 衣袋 ) polo shirt 球衣 ...

3.衣服口袋 food n.食物 pocket n.衣服口袋 call v.拜访,光顾 ...

4.袖珍的 plenty n.丰富,富裕 pocket n.衣袋 a.(定语)袖珍的 poem n.诗 ...

5.挖槽 spacer 垫块 pocket 挖槽 rough 粗加工 ...

6.钱袋 ticket 票,券,标签,号牌 pocket 衣袋,钱袋,财力 basket 篮子 ...

7.兜 *by prep. 经;由 *pocket n. ,口袋 *under prep. 在……下面 ...


1.After he'd left she'd taken it out of the drawer and put it in the pocket of her black silk robe.他离开后,她从抽屉里拿出来,把它放进了她黑色丝质睡袍的口袋里。

2.I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.我刚好有一支多余的(笔),所以我就从我的兜里拿出来放到她桌子上。

3.Harry felt in the pocket of his robes and pulled out a Chocolate Frog, the very last one from the box Hermione had given him for Christmas.哈利把手伸进长袍口袋,掏出一块马蹄形巧克力,这是圣诞节时赫敏送给他的那盒里的最后一块。

4.He took it gently apart, as far as he could fillet 3, 200 pieces with his pocket tool, and each time attempted to get further.他用手头的工具温柔地把它拆开,有3,200个零件,每拆一个他都有再进一步的企望。

5.Calmly, the man withdrew a small knife from his pocket and carved a mark on the boat at the spot where he dropped the sword.那个人不慌不忙地从衣袋里取出一个小刀,在船舷上落下宝剑的地方刻了一个记号。

6.I stared at her in amazement and, pulpng the handkerchief out of my pocket, handed it to her.我惊异地凝视着她,从口袋里掏出那条手帕,递给她。

7.She uses Apple earphones for the cheap Chinese mobile phone in her pocket, so it looks as if she owns an i Phone.她口袋中的手机是便宜的中国货,却配着Apple耳机,所以看起来就好像她用的是iPhone一样。

8.He looked through it, readjusted it, took out a piece of paper from his breast pocket, and readjusted it again.他透过望远镜望着对它调整一番而后从上衣口袋拿出一张纸又重新调整一遍。

9.I've arranged for her to earn pocket money helping a friend with her business.我安排她给我的一位朋友打打下手,赚点零花钱。

10.Ben: Yeah it must have sppped out of my pocket when I stood up to let those nuns take their seats.本:对,它一定是从口袋里面滑出来了,我站起来,给修女让座。