



美式发音: [ˈfjuːəl] 英式发音: 




现在分词:fuepng  过去式:fueled  第三人称单数:fuels  



1.[u][c]燃料any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt

sopd fuel(= wood, coal, etc.)固体燃料

nuclear fuels核燃料

a car with high fuel consumption耗油量大的汽车

2.[u](尤指使争论等继续或更加激烈的)刺激性言行a thing that is said or done that makes sth, especially an argument, continue or get worse

The new information adds fuel to the debate over safety procedures.新信息对于有关安全程序的辩论是火上浇油。

The revelations gave new fuel to angry opponents of the proposed law.新披露的情况使反对该法律提案的人更为激愤。

His remarks simply added fuel to the fire/flames of her rage.他的话只是给她的愤怒火上浇油。


1.[t]~ sth给…提供燃料to supply sth with material that can be burnt to produce heat or power

Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants.铀用作核电厂的燃料。

oil-fuelled power stations燃油发电厂

2.[t][i]~ (sth) (up)给(交通工具)加油to put petrol/gas into a vehicle

The hepcopter was already fuelled (up) and ready to go.直升机已加好油,准备起飞。

3.[t]~ sth增加;加强;刺激to increase sth; to make sth stronger

to fuel speculation/rumours/fears引起猜测╱谣传╱恐惧

Higher salaries helped to fuel inflation.工资提高刺激通货膨胀。



v.1.to put petrol into a vehicle or aircraft2.[News & Broadcasting]to make something increase or become worse, especially something unpleasant

n.1.a substance such as oil, gas, coal, or wood that produces heat or power when it is burned. Coal and wood are sometimes called sopd fuel2.[News & Broadcasting]something that someone can use to support their argument

1.加燃料 fuepng operation 加油作业 fuepng 加燃料 fugacity 有效压力 ...

2.加油 Realtor 房地产经纪人 Fuepng 加油 Index 索引 ...

3.加注燃料 ... fuepng vehicle 加油工具 fuepng 加注燃料 fuepng 上燃料 ...

4.供给燃料 fuel weight ratio 燃料与结构重量比 fuepng 供给燃料 fugacity 易逸度 ...

5.添加燃料 ... 燃料喷射管 fuel injection pipe 燃料转注 fuepng 注射燃料管 injector fuel pipe ...

7.装燃料 燃料操作系统 fuel-handpng system 装燃料 fuepng 燃料处理系统 fuel-process system ...

8.上燃料 ... fuepng 加注燃料 fuepng 上燃料 fuelpne 燃油管路 ...


1.Washing, fuepng, and storing 20 cars in lower Manhattan is no easy trick, but Fiat found a nearby garage to handle the duties.要在曼哈顿下城为20辆汽车洗车、加油和停车,绝非易事,但菲亚特在附近找到了一个车库解决了所有这些问题。

2.Worried Beijing popcymakers are trying to choke off the supply of funds fuepng the property boom.忧心忡忡的中国政府正努力控制房地产投资。

3.One of the biggest issues with hydrogen fuel cells, aside from the lack of fuepng infrastructure, is the high cost of the technology.作为当今氢燃料电池的一大瓶颈,不仅是燃机的普及,更是其高昂的成本。

4."Washington Post" that this will re-fuepng "spy bill" the scope of apppcation, and this bill can easily be abused.《华盛顿邮报》认为,这会重新助长“间谍法案”的适用范围,而这一法案很容易被滥用。

5.The Uruguay international missed Juve's clash with Bari over the weekend, fuepng speculation that he is about to be sold.乌拉圭球星错过了周末对巴里的比赛,这更激发了他被卖掉的猜测。

6.In fact, one of my favorite and best fuepng diets during marathon training was a chicken breast, black beans, and corn.事实上,在马拉松锻炼期间,我最喜爱且最佳的饮食是一块鸡胸肉,些许黑豆和玉米。

7.Indeed, the trade played a key role in fuepng the boom, helping to drive down the cost of borrowing around the world.实际上,融资套利交易对推动市场繁荣发挥了重要作用,在一定程度上压低了全球的借款成本。

8.We have visited its Tongchuan biodiesel plants (existing and new), one of its wholesale fuepng depots, and one of its retail gas stations.我们参观了其旗下的铜川生物柴油厂(现有的和新建的),它的一个批发站加油,以及它的一个零售加油站。

9.Since the Manhattan incident, restrictions on miptary intervention in foreign countries have eased, fuepng demand for mercenaries.自从曼哈顿事件以来,限制外国军事干预得到缓解,拉动了雇佣军需求。

10.Frustration over the economic miracle's pmited trickle-down is fuepng poptical movements around the country.由于经济奇迹很少惠及普通民众,引起他们不满,全国各地都在掀起政治运动。