


美式发音: [ˌfukəˈʃimə] 英式发音: [ˌfu:kəˈʃi:mə]



un.1.capital city of Fukushima Prefecture, on the Abukuma River in north central Honshu, Japan.

1.日本福岛开始从事国外冷冻冷藏设备和卖场设备之进口代理。日本福岛(FUKUSHIMA)、义大利COSTAN、日本UNIFLOW等,即为本 …

2.福岛县停止发电位於福岛县Fukushima)的东京电力核能发电厂,一共有6座核能发电机,在地震发生时,全部都停止发电。福岛县 …

3.日本福岛县日本福岛县Fukushima)的核电厂在地震后停摆,并出现辐射外泄情况,引起日增忧虑,各国侨民争相离境。美国稍早已通令 …

4.福岛市绿色和平发现,在人口28万5000人的福岛市Fukushima)的市内一些公园和校园设施,测出的辐射剂量高出每小时3微西弗。 …

5.福岛核电厂声明说:「赫格对福岛核电厂Fukushima)发生爆炸表达关切,并表示愿提供协助与专业技能,帮助日本当局。」约有1万人 …

6.日本福岛核电站  2011年3月22日普茨迈斯特泵车在日本福岛核电站Fukushima)执行冷却任务。手机扫描二维码行业讯息尽收眼底 动态 图片 2…


1.Initial measurements by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization had put the Fukushima figure at half that of Chernobyl.由全面禁止核试验条约组织(CTBTO)最初测量的福岛核电站核泄漏为切尔诺贝利事故的一半。

2.He said the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Japan's northeast coast is one of at least three nuclear facipties at risk.他说福岛第一核电站设在日本的东北海岸线上,是至少三个处于险境的核设施之一。

3.Critics of Tepco, the company at the heart of the Fukushima nuclear accident, say its actual capacity is higher than it lets on.东京电力公司处于福山核事故的核心,它的批评者称,其实际发电能力高于所透露的水平。

4.They might have got through comparatively unscathed, as did the reactors at Fukushima Dai-ni, a similar plant farther along the coast.他们可能会安全地通过,进入这个离海岸线比较远的工厂里,并顺利地关闭福岛的核反应堆。

5.On Saturday they were shown around the Fukushima site itself and were able to take the first pictures inside the damaged plant.星期六,他们被带着游览了福岛核电站的场地,并得到允许在毁坏的核电站内拍下首张照片。

6.East Power spokesman said the system will help the East in January next year before the power off Fukushima nuclear power plant safety.东电发言人表示,该系统有助东电于明年1月前安全关闭福岛核电站。

7.The workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are trying to cool down the fuel rods inside the nuclear reactors.福岛第一核电站的工作人员正努力冷却核反应堆内部的燃料棒。

8.But in at least three of the ponds at the Fukushima site, that routine coopng no longer seems to be happening.但福岛核电站的反应堆燃料池中至少有三个已经无法观测到正常的冷却过程。

9.Whether or not the pursuit of these designs is blunted by the Fukushima Daiichi event remains to be seen.福岛事件是否使这些设计的追求有所减弱尚有待观察。

10.TEPCO had been operating three out of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant at the time of the quake, all of which shut down.东京电力公司在地震发生时一直运行着福岛Daiichi核电站六个反应堆中的三个。现在这六个反应堆已经全部关闭。