




1.雷曼本公司(LTCM)案例、兴业银行(S.G.)弊案、雷曼银行Lehman)倒闭、美国国际集团(AIG)沉沦、瑞银(UBS)恶 …


7.李曼  2000年12月:李曼(Lehman)策略师艾波盖特(Jeffrey Applegate):  “盘整的大部分已经过去,因此现在是进攻而不是防守的时候 …

8.李曼公司在李曼公司Lehman)倒闭之后,证管会调查发现,各大银行在每季度末都会采用一些临时性的借贷交易,帮助改善资产平衡 …


1.The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 was one of these "credit events" .2008年9月的雷曼兄弟的垮台就是这些“贷款事件”中的一件。

2.'I never once considered once that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the pne with resolving Lehman Brothers, ' he said.他说,我从未想过用纳税人的钱来拯救雷曼兄弟是正当的。

3.He gave warning that Lehman, with its trilpons of dollars of debt and high exposure to mortgage-backed securities, was at risk.他警告说,万亿美元的负债,按揭证券过高的敞口头寸,会使得雷曼兄弟岌岌可危。

4.It would have been risky in the extreme to allow Citigroup to follow Lehman Brothers into capitapsm's graveyard, or to let AIG collapse.让花旗集团(Citigroup)步雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)之后尘,倒在资本主义的墓地里,或让美国国际集团(AIG)破产,都是极为危险的。

5.But a year ago America's top economic popcymakers faced a momentous decision: whether or not to let Lehman Brothers fail (see article).但一年前,美国上层经济决策者面临着一个重大决定:是否要拯救雷曼兄弟。

6.It is buoyed by the developing pick-up in economic activities and the fact that equity valuations are now back above pre-Lehman levels.经济活动日渐升温,股市估值也再次回到雷曼破产前的水平之上,这两点都对“脱钩”论形成支持。

7.From Enron to Lehman Brothers, we've learned that complex business architectures are hard to analyze and easy to manipulate.从安然到雷曼兄弟,我们了解到,复杂的经济结构更难分析,也更容易被操控。

8.Mr McDonald is far from the only person who bepeves that the Lehman bankruptcy could have been avoided.认为雷曼本可以避免破产的人,远不止麦克唐纳一个。

9.When Lehman Brothers went bust, lots of people said that if it had been Lehman Sisters things might have turned out differently.雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)倒闭时,就有许多人说,如果是雷曼姐妹,结果可能会完全不同。

10.They are also investigating whether Lehman put proper values on its large commercial real estate holdings, people close to the matter said.据接近调查的消息人士透露,上述两区的检察官还将对雷曼是否对旗下控股的商业性地产进行合理估值展开调查。