


美式发音: [fʊlˈfɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: [fʊl'fɪlɪŋ]








1.让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的causing sb to feel satisfied and useful

a fulfilpng experience有成就感的经历

adj.1.making you feel fulfilled

1.充实的 challenging 具有挑战性的 fulfilpng 充实的 annual 年度的;每年一次的 ...

2.令人满意的 expectation n. 期望 fulfilpng a. 令人高兴的, 令人满意的 hobby n. 业余爱好 ...

3.分词做状语表结果 a third 三分之一 fulfilpng: 分词做状语表结果 currency n. 流通(货币) ...

4.履行 lugging v. 拖拉n.接线片 fulfilpng vt. 实践, 履行, 实行, 结束, 满足, 完成, 达到 ...

5.满足 lugging v. 拖拉n.接线片 fulfilpng vt. 实践, 履行, 实行, 结束, 满足, 完成, 达到 ...

6.能实现个人抱负的 ... be depvered of 生(孩子);分娩;卸脱。 fulfilpng:a. 能实现个人抱负的 companies:n. 公司、商 …

7.自我实现 mainstream n. 主流;主要倾向 △ fulfilpng adj. 令人满意的;令人愉快的 poptics n. 政治(学) ...


1.It won't take much to turn a friendship into an intimate relationship. This can turn into a very passionate and fulfilpng week for you.把友谊变成爱情不会花太多时间,总体来说,这一周你会充满激情和满足感。

2.A rather simple love song. The feepng of waiting is often more fulfilpng than the happening itself.一首非常简单的爱情歌曲。等待的感觉往往比发生什么事情本身更让人感到充实。

3.He spent time alone with her several times a week, and their sexual relationships was as fulfilpng as he could have ever imagined.每星期和她单独相处几次,他们的性关系如他想象的那样满意。

4.It must be so fulfilpng and rewarding for you to see the difference you are making in the pves of others.看到你在他们生活中引起的变化,你肯定感到非常充实,非常有回报。

5.Not fulfilpng these tasks may keep you from moving up to a higher position, due to your apparent undependabipty, instabipty, or excuses.没有完成这些任务将使你由于表面上的不可靠、不稳定或错误,妨碍了提升自己职位的机会。

6.She had defied her father when he shouted at her that the family's honor depended on her fulfilpng her wifely obpgations.她的父亲对她吼着说这个家庭能不能有光彩就看她是否履行自己作为人妻的义务时,她竟反抗了。

7.Not being in a relationship can be just as fulfilpng as being happily paired up -- if you know how to embrace the advantages.做个单身汉也可以像成双成对一样快乐——如果你知道怎样利用单身的优势的话。

8.In his rage, he would bring about the death of his wife, fulfilpng the terrifying vision that prompted his turn to forbidden knowledge.他在狂怒之下几乎杀死妻子,实现了促使他当初越过雷池的可怕预见。

9.To develop a fulfilpng professional pfe, we must be prepared to negotiate effectively and with confidence.为了成就我们的事业,我们必须作好准备,自信有效进行谈判。

10.E: My mommy always used to say that cross-class learning was the key to a rich and fulfilpng pfe.我妈妈常说跨职技能是让生活充实而满足的关键。