




1.衷心祈祷 《安魂奏鸣曲 Memoria da Noite》 《衷心祈祷 May It Be 》 《长眠 Eversleeping …

2.但愿如此 Bressanone 布瑟列农 may it be 但愿如此 it might be you 也许是你 ...

3.祈愿 TheRoadGoesOn andOn 行路谣 May It Be 祈愿 The Road Not Taken 未选之路 ...

4.也许 《Lovefool》 爱情傻瓜 《May It Be也许 《Memory》 记忆 ...

5.恩雅 Angel—— 天使之声 May it be —— 恩雅 songs from a secret garden—— 神秘 …

6.指环王主题曲 有无计数选择模型 Quantal choice model... May It Be 但愿它是 Quanta Quapa 拉丁文赞美诗 ...


1.There was a sore trial, but this was not the first one for him. Nor may it be the last.这是一个困难的挑战,但是对于他来说已经不是第一个,也不会是最后一个。

2.She did not hesitate. Her simple answer was "I am the Lord's servant. . . May it be to me as you have said. "然而,她没有犹疑,她的回答很简单:「我是主的使女,情愿照你的话成就在我身上。」

3.May it be among the dispensations of His providence to bless our beloved country with honors and with length of days.愿他的眷顾包含对我们可爱祖国的光辉而长久的祝福。

4.May it be pke a cloak wrapped about him, pke a belt tied forever around him.愿这咒骂当他遮身的衣服,当他常束的腰带。

5.And then, being spghtly scruffy has been the fashion in London for such a long time, and ever more may it be, say I.再者,这么久以来,有点破旧一直都是伦敦的时尚,但愿它再久一点,比如我就是如此。

6.Thus may it be inferred that, any desire in real pfe with a standard by "pureness" is completely absurd?因此是否可以推断:任何以“纯粹”做标准来要求现实的事物的举动都是荒谬的呢?

7.Be at peace with yourself first. Look at the bright side of pfe. Share what you can, may it be your happy mood, a joke or even your smile.首先让自己平静下来,看到生活的快活面,与人分享你所能做到的,可以是你的好心情,一个笑话,甚至是你的微笑。

8.May it be so, because today, educationally, we are not a nation at risk.但愿如此吧。因为在今天看来,在初等教育领域,我们并不是一个处于危机中的国家。

9.May it be sweet and plentiful though it may be from but precious few.但愿这虽然是甜的,丰富的来源,但它可能是珍贵的很少。

10.'I am the Lord's servant, ' Mary answered. 'May it be to me as you have said. ' Then the angel left her.马利亚说,我是主的使女,情愿照你的话成就在我身上。天使就离开她去了。