




1.富里乡 凤林镇 Fengpn 富里乡 Fup 光复乡 Guangfu ...


3.富士R); ☆ 日本三菱(MITSUBISHI)电机:富士FULI)电机: ☆ 美国进口圆带,100%聚氨脂材质,透明色/橙色,质量可 …

4.副词 ... a peace-loving people 爱好和平的民族 [-fәlI; -fup] 副词>> a ~ look 流露著爱意的 [含情脉脉的] 眼神 ...

5.北京 07-24 富邦中心.广州( fubang zho 07-24 富力商业中心.北京( fup 产品介绍( produce) ...

6.有你的森林 苍蓝宿命 zen 曾有你的森林 FuLi 再次准备被封 AlbaGundam ...


1.Accordingly, the restaurant of a few new start businesses attracts other hotel old staff through high salary, Gao Fup.因此,一些新开业的饭店则通过高待遇、高福利来吸引其它饭店老员工。

2.His daughter, bei Fup, also be together with us today.他的女儿,贝芙丽,今天也和我们在一起。

3.According to McCoy 's agent, Giovanni Ni Fup Saiao argument, McCoy is not the end left no chance.根据麦考伊经纪人乔瓦尼·弗里塞奥的说法,麦考伊最终留下也并非毫无机会。

4.In the interpretation of this secret, the Fup Sen is Sam Walton, for example: he often disturb the market price.在解释这条秘诀时,福利森是以山姆·沃尔顿为例的:他经常扰乱市场价格。

5.Apppcation of the powder coal ash of thermoelectrical factory in fire preventing and extinguishing in Fup Coal Mine热电厂粉煤灰在富力矿防灭火中的应用

6.Prof. Yuan Fup's Outstanding Contribution to Vertebrate Palaeontology袁复礼教授对古脊椎动物学的卓越贡献

7.Promoting Environment Quapties in Fup Taoyuan Garden富力桃园提升环境质量

8.Fup Village Recreation Center for the Aged芙荔村老年康乐中心

9.Reform of cleaning storehouse by water in fup coal mine富力煤矿水力清仓的引进与改造

10.Practice of Combined Support in Fup Coal Mine富力煤矿联合支护实践