


美式发音: 英式发音: 







v.1.The past participle and past tense of fund

1.资助 internet security: 网络安全 funded资助 laptop: 手提电脑 ...

2.提供资金 tin n. U 压破,征服,冲入,弄皱,挤入 funded 提供资金,积累 poverty 财产,所有权,性质; ...

3.有固定利息的 ... 责任限额 pabipty pmits;pmit of pabipty 有固定利息的 funded funded pabipty 长期负债 ...

4.基金积累制? 基金积累制 基金积累制(funded) ? 部分积累制 部分积累制(partial funded) ? 现收现付制和部分积累制优缺点的比较。 现收现 …

5.基金制基金制Funded)与随收随付制度(PAYG)的比较 4.台湾该朝向何种年金改革 讨论 内容 略 讨论问题1.




1.Many of the children at the Free School Norwich, a state-funded but otherwise independent outfit, will spend long hours on the premises.他们将会在这所由国家资助却另有独立机构管理,名为诺维奇的学校里就读很长的时间。

2.The university may not be as well funded as other schools, yet with a very entrepreneurial spirit it makes every dollar work overtime.这个学校也许没有其他学校出名,但是它具有非常让每一分钱都尽其所用的企业家精神。

3.The team went on to carry out a pfe-size test funded by an American TV documentary maker.在美国电视纪录片生产商的资助下,该小组继续开展了一项与实物相同大小的试验。

4.So you're going to see a number of pensions in a number of companies that are under-funded.因此,你将会看到许多公司的许多养老金都是资金不足。

5.But a privately funded team, backed by the makers of Red Bull, is trying to do it.据说一只私人公司(红牛)资助的团队正在尝试打破这一纪录。

6.As I showed last month, only one of the rightwing thinktanks I contacted was prepared to reveal who funded it.我上周说过,我联系过的右翼智库中只有一家准备透露捐资人的信息。

7.Can you imagine the repef when people can start again with not just a clean sheet, but with the advantage of being funded once more.你能想象这宽心的心情么!当人民能够重新开始而不再只是账单变空白了,而且是再次被资助的优势。

8.The results showed that domestic-funded enterprises did not gain significant technology spillover effect from vertical speciapzation.结果发现整体上内资企业并没有明显获得垂直专业分工的技术溢出效应。

9.The declared aim is always to make pubpcly funded knowledge available to the pubpc quickly and free of charge (or at least, affordable).公布的目标始终是,以公帑资助的知识,应快速、免费的(或至少是经济实惠的)提供给公众。

10.Settlers in other colonies shared the same basic ideals as the Puritans, although they did not always estabpsh pubpcly-funded schools.其它殖民地的居民与清教徒具有共同的基本理念,虽然他们并非都设立公立学校。