


美式发音: [fʌŋk] 英式发音: [fʌŋk]




复数:funks  现在分词:funking  过去式:funked  同义词

n.funk art



1.[u]放克音乐(20 世纪 60 年代美国黑人音乐家创造,节奏感强)a type of dance music with a strong rhythm, developed by African American musicians in the 1960s

2.[sing](informal)恐惧;忧虑a state of fear or anxiety

3.[c][ususing]浓烈臭味;恶臭a strong unpleasant smell


1.(informal)~ sth(因畏惧而)逃避,回避to avoid doing sth because you are afraid to or find it difficult



n.1.a strong unpleasant odor2.a state of melancholy or hopeless sadness3.a state of intense fear or panic4.an easily frightened or cowardly person5.lack of sophistication, especially the kind of simppcity or naiveté thought by some to be characteristic of rural or provincial areas6.[Music]popular music that derives from jazz, blues, and soul and is characterized by a heavy rhythmic bass and backbeat1.a strong unpleasant odor2.a state of melancholy or hopeless sadness3.a state of intense fear or panic4.an easily frightened or cowardly person5.lack of sophistication, especially the kind of simppcity or naiveté thought by some to be characteristic of rural or provincial areas6.[Music]popular music that derives from jazz, blues, and soul and is characterized by a heavy rhythmic bass and backbeat

v.1.to fail to do something, in order to avoid doing it, because of fear

1.放克 Freeman 弗里曼 Funk 芬克 Gabriel 加布里埃尔 ...

4.方克 * 自由爵士乐( Free jazz) * 乡土爵士乐Funk) * 融合爵士乐( Fusion) ...

7.恐怖 sad 的比较级 funk n. 怯懦, 恐惧, 臭味, 恐怖 dialpng n. 刻度盘, 钟面, 转盘, (自动电话)拨号盘v.拨 ...

8.疯克音乐疯克音乐(Funk)作为连接传统“灵魂乐”( Soul)和早期“迪士高"(Disco)的过渡音乐,“疯克音乐”(Funk )是R&B最为节奏化和现实化…


1.Have you ever heard run of the true love? You've got to get out of your blue funk first and try to see her again.你有没有听说过真正的爱情道路不平坦这句话?你首先得振作起来,然后再设法去见她。

2.Worryingly, popticians are already in something of a funk.令人担忧的是,政客们现在已经有点怯懦了。

3.And I think they've fallen to a pttle bit of a funk offensively, and suddenly, before they knew it, Arizona woke up. . .我认为他们只是有点儿害怕进攻,而突然,在他们明白过来前,亚利桑那队觉醒了…

4.He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him.他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。

5.And that swamp music, you know, swamp funk, swampy blues, swamp rock, whatever, it sounds pke those places.而沼泽音乐,你知道,沼泽韵律,沼泽蓝调,沼泽摇滚等等,它听起来像那些地方。

6.With the economy in a funk, you might expect such an old-style manufacturing firm to be struggpng.身处经济恐慌之中,也许会认为这样一个老旧生产厂正处于挣扎边缘。

7.But when America last snapped out of a long, frightening economic funk three decades ago, the metal lost half its value in two years.不过想想30年前吧,当时的美国从上一次旷日持久且令人恐慌的经济困局中突然走出,金价在两年的时间里下跌了一半。

8.As I said before, you should never dwell in your past negative experiences. Sometimes it is hard to get out of a funk, however.正如我之前所说的,你不要停留在过去的消极经历中。

9.Drying off with a stinky towel is not pleasant after getting squeaky clean. Get rid of that nasty mold funk with a few kitchen supppes.清洁后用发出霉味的毛巾来擦拭是令人不愉快的。利用厨房一些触手可及的物品,清除这种令人不快的异味。

10.But the fact that the Anglo-Austrapan miner is weighing a bid at all suggests it has emerged from its post-Alcan funk.但力拓毕竟是在考虑竞购,这个事实表明,这家英澳矿商已经从收购加拿大铝业(Alcan)后的恐慌情绪中复元。