


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fɜːfə]






n.1.a tiny piece of scaly or flaky skin, e.g. a particle of dandruff

1.佛尔佛尔 furcal 分叉的 furfur 皮屑 furrow 小沟 ...

3.头皮屑 furcula 叉突 furfur 头皮屑 furfuraceous 似麸的 ...

4.弗法 fur 毛皮 furfur 头屑,皮屑 furfuration 脱屑 ...

6.弗尔弗尔 ... ◆ 弗尔卡斯( Furcas) ◆ 弗尔弗尔Furfur) ◆ 盖因( Caim/Caym…

7.蝠尔蝠 33、 加布( Gaap) 34、 蝠尔蝠( Furfur) 35、 马尔哥奇亚士( Marchosias) ...

8.芙尔弗尔 Autonym:Verrius Flaccus Hafid〈 薇里乌斯‧弗拉库斯‧哈菲德〉 CodeName:Furfur芙尔弗尔〉 Appellation:illusion〈 …


1.This oil-loving yeast [Malassezia furfur] causes pityriasis versicolor, scapng, and discoloration of the skin and scalp.这种喜油的酵母菌[皮屑马拉色菌]会导致皮肤和头皮长花斑癣,脱皮,起疹斑。

2.Objective To investigate the relationship between fungi, especially Malassezia furfur and psoriasis.目的了解真菌特别是糠秕孢子菌与银屑病的关系。

3.Initially, MALASSEZIA FURFUR was thought to be the causing agent.起初,糠秕马拉色菌被认为是造成代理人。

4.Methods: 235 patients with acne received a pityrosporum furfur test.方法:对235例痤疮患者进行糠秕孢子菌检查。

5.Furfur: We will destroy the flowers. Hahaha, let's go and find the luya.我要毁了这些花,哈哈,我们一起去找卢娅。

6.I can't control our desire. I want a lot of gifts.FURFUR:(说唱)我无法控制自己的欲望,我要得到好多的礼物。

7.Comparison of therapeutic effects of two antifungus drugs on Malassezia furfur folpcuptis两种抗真菌药联合治疗糠秕马拉色菌毛囊炎的疗效比较

8.Detection of malassezia furfur in lesions on face of patients with acne and analysis of therapeutic effect of ketoconazole面部痤疮皮损内糠秕马拉色菌检测及酮康唑治疗效果观察

9.Observation on Therapeutic Effect on Malassezia furfur Folpcuptis Treated by Clearing Tinea Lotion癣洗剂治疗糠秕马拉色菌毛囊炎疗效观察

10.Study the Assay for Proteinase Activity of Malassezia Furfur糠秕马拉色菌蛋白酶活性的研究