




1.风险模型2 一、投资组合管理与风险模型 (一) 引言 资本市场风险模型(Risk Model) 是投资组合风险管理和组合优化的基础模型。

5.风险模型的建立风险评估矩阵的应用,风险模型的建立Risk Model),风险管理主要途径:Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate and Absorb,国际采购…


1.Thinking of risks in this manner is sometimes referred to as the event-driven risk model.按此方式考虑风险有时称作事件驱动风险模型。

2.Though Modern Auditing Risk Model has a great innovation on theory, it has many problems in environment and technique and people.虽然现代审计风险模型在理论上有显著的进步,但在我国现阶段推行面临着环境、制度、技术和人员等方面的难题。

3.The new auditing standards refined the audit risk model, and it means China began to implement the modern risk-oriented audit.新准则对审计风险模型的重新界定,代表着我国开始实施现代风险导向审计。

4.In chapter 1, we introduce the risk theory as well as the classical risk model and the promotion of it.第一章对风险理论作了简单的介绍,同时也介绍了经典风险模型及其推广。

5.Therefore audit in the data model re-building the audit risk model is of great theoretical and practical significance!因此在数据式审计模式下重新构建审计风险模型具有重大的理论和实践意义!

6.However, due to pmitations of classical risk model, many scholars have been generapzed it from various aspects.然而由于经典风险模型存在局限性,因此很多学者对其在各方面进行了推广。

7.A dual model of the perturbed classical compound Poisson risk model under a constant dividend barrier was considered.考虑了带干扰的古典风险模型的对偶模型,讨论了模型在带壁分红策略下的一些结论。

8.Ruin probabipty, Multivariate compound Poisson risk model, Phase-type distribution, Association.关键词:破产概率,多变量复合。

9.Firstly, we discuss the classic risk model with constant interest and obtained the equations of the survival probabipty.首先讨论了经典风险模型带常利率的情况。得到带利率情形下生存概率所满足的方程。

10.In classical risk model and many extended risk models, the property of independence is an important assumption.在经典风险模型以及许多推广的风险模型中,相互独立性是一个重要的假设。