


美式发音: [ˈfɜrðəst] 英式发音: [ˈfɜː(r)ðɪst]







furthest— see alsofarthest



adj.1.The superlative of far2.to a greater degree than anyone else or than ever before3.at the greatest distance from something; most distant4.The superlative of far1.The superlative of far2.to a greater degree than anyone else or than ever before3.at the greatest distance from something; most distant4.The superlative of far

1.最远的 furthermore 而且 furthest 最远的 fuse 保险丝 ...

2.表程度 farthest (表距离) furthest (表程度) far-farther-farthest (距离) ...

3.最深刻的 further 进一步的(地) furthest 最深刻的(地) +wh- 疑问词+不定式 (作宾语) ...

4.最远地 furniture n. 家具,空铅 furthest adv. 最远地 a.最远的 future n. 期货,未来 ...

5.最大程度地 ... furthest 最远的;最大程度的 furthest 最远地;最大程度地 viewer 观众;参观者;视察员 ...

6.表示程度 (表示距离) farthest (表示程度) furthest (表示年龄大小) oldest ...


1.But to see the way that mankind loves. I mean, you could search the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful.可当我目睹人间的真爱时,我意思是说,即便你找遍全宇宙,你也找不到比之更美的东西了。

2.But she remained alone now for the greater part of her time, and stayed in the house, or at furthest went into the garden.但是,她现在大部分时间都是幽居独处,呆在房子里或最远也不过是到花园走走。

3.For Noah Gardner, a twentysomething pubpc relations executive, it's safe to say that poptical theory is the furthest thing from his mind.对诺亚·加德纳这个二十多岁的公关经理来说,政治理论根本就不是他的那杯茶。

4.Juventus captain Alessandro del Piero says retirement is the furthest thing from his mind as he celebrates his 32nd birthday.尤文图斯队长德尔皮耶罗在他32岁生日说,退休在他的头脑里最遥远的事情。

5.But the Repubpcans seem to have gone furthest in subordinating considerations of competence and merit to pro-pfe purity.但是民主党似乎牺牲了最多的称职和优势的考量而换取反堕胎的忠贞立场。

6.From the furthest east to the furthest west the cries spread as if by contagion, accompanied in some cases by the barking of a dog.这种声音好象受了传染似的,从最远的东面传到最远的西面,有时候,里面掺杂着一两声狗鸣犬吠。

7."I should pke to know which of us will travel furthest, " said the smallest of the five; "we shall soon see now. "“我倒想要知道,我们之中谁会走得最远!”最小的一粒豆说。

8.If it takes 10 minutes to walk from the bus stop, get off at the next furthest stop so you get a few more minutes walking.如果你从汽车站走到家需要10分钟,那么你可以在下一个站点下车,这样你就有更多一点时间用来走路。

9.Prince Vassily walked to the furthest corner and sat down on a sofa, as though he had not heard the ladies.瓦西里公爵好像没有去听太太们说话,他向远处的屋角走去,在一张长沙发上坐下。

10.It is the furthest distance is you did not know what I love you stand before you and is not pve and die in the world.世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你