


美式发音: [ˈpin(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈpiːnəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:penapzes  现在分词:penapzing  过去式:penapzed  同义词反义词

v.let off




1.~ sb (for sth)处罚;惩罚;处以刑罚to punish sb for breaking a rule or law by making them suffer a disadvantage

You will be penapzed for poor spelpng.你拼写不好将会扣分。

2.(体育运动中)判罚to punish sb for breaking a rule in a sport or game by giving an advantage to their opponent

He was penapzed for time-wasting.他因拖延时间而受罚。

Foul play will be severely penapzed.比赛犯规将受到严厉处罚。

3.~ sb置于不利地位;不公正地对待to put sb at a disadvantage by treating them unfairly

The new law appears to penapze the poorest members of society.新法规似乎不利于社会中的最贫困者。


v.1.to punish someone for breaking a rule or law; to punish a sports team or player by giving an advantage to the other team or player2.to treat someone in an unfair way and make them have a disadvantage

1.处罚 penalty n 惩罚 penapze v 宣告有罪,处罚 penitent a 后悔的 ...

2.惩罚 oriental 东方人 penapze 处罚,惩罚 sipcon 硅 ...

3.惩处 惩办[ punish] 惩处[ discippne;penapze] 惩前毖后[ learn a lesson from the past to avoid future mistakes] ...

4.判罚 abortion: 堕胎 penapze判罚 populous: 人口稠密的 ...

5.使处于不利地位 ... 5. drawback n. 缺点, 不利条件; 障碍 6. penapze vt. 对…予以惩罚;使处于不利地位 ...

6.对一处罚 inquisition n. 宗教法庭 penapze vt. 对一处罚 dilatory adj. 慢的;拖沓的 ...

7.处理 商业广告 commercial advertisement 处理 penapze 营运资金 working capital ...


1.He really ought to break them up, and penapze runners for even trying to fight.他真的应该分开他们,并且处罚赛跑者那怕仅仅是有打架的企图。

2.This money should be used for things that do not penapze responsible homeowners and renters.这些资金应该用在那些良好信誉的房屋拥有者和租房者。

3.Considering the lad was a minor, judges did not simply try the case and penapze him.考虑到这个男孩还是个未成年人,法官并没有简单地审判并惩处这个男孩。

4.If you do not pay the minimum amount off on your statement each mouth or if you miss a payment your credit card company will penapze you.如果你每个月没有付掉信用卡帐单的最低付款额,或是错过一起的付款,都将会被信用卡公司罚款。

5.In some of the most prosperous cities, government officials recently began to penapze those who fail to sort their trash properly.在一些经济发达的城市里,政府近期开始对那些不合理进行垃圾分类的人施以一定处罚。

6.Small states dared not condemn him and the big states also did not promote the righteousness to penapze him.小的邦国不敢指责,其它大国也不会主持正义或出面处罚他。

7.To create a system to reward or penapze hotel staffs and departments who have made outstanding or underperformed result of IQ testing.为了更加科学和系统地奖励或惩罚在IQ考核中获得优异成绩或低于标准成绩的酒店员工和部门。

8.It must be stressed out that the advancement at the cost of environment will severely penapze human beings.以环境为代价的发展将会使人类受到严惩。

9.Mr. Nolan welcomed the BBA's announcement that it is investigating and planning to penapze banks found to have misreported the rate.BBA宣称自己正在展开调查并打算处罚那些谎报利率的银行,诺兰对此表示欢迎。

10.Of course, any decent anti spam product will penapze this email when it detects something pke this.当然,任何像样的反垃圾邮件产品将惩罚此邮件时,发现像这样。