



美式发音: [fʌs] 英式发音: [fʌs]




第三人称单数:fusses  现在分词:fussing  过去式:fussed  同义词






n.1.a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something

v.1.to behave in a way that shows you are nervous or worried, especially about unimportant things2.to touch or handle something continuously in a nervous way

1.大惊小怪 (conservatism 保守派) 3. (fussing 大惊小怪) 4. (fail to do 泡汤) 5. ...

2.烦躁 94 functional constipation 功能性便秘 95 fussing 烦躁 96 gastroesophageal reflux 胃食管反流 ...

3.烦扰 fussing 烦扰; 烦躁; I need no fussing 我没有吵着要; ...


1.It is quite easy to imagine Albus Dumbledore fussing around the crystal ball at the center of the contraption.这是很容易想象艾伯斯围绕在精巧中心水晶球大惊小怪。

2.Ann is always fussing around her boss and I think she's a bit sweet on him.安总是围着她的老板团团转,然而我认为她有点迷恋上他了。

3.He did have one person fussing over him, a few trusted persons knew, but he didn't have her by his side often.几位心腹知已知道,确实有一个人在仔细照顾他,但她并不总在他的身边。

4.Tommy's at the end of the row, phone to his ear. Other side of the glass is BETH, near tears, fussing with a BABY on her lap.汤米坐在一排的末端,话筒贴在耳边。有机玻璃的另一边是含着眼泪的贝斯,情绪激动,膝上搂着一个婴儿。

5.Every night they showed up and would just stand there, leaning over, looking at me, fussing with each other about them.每天晚上,每天晚上,他们都准时地出现在我的脑海,就是站在那里,互相依靠着,互相开着玩笑,看着我。

6.The next day, the ducks were fussing again, so Otis hopped on a log for a better look.第二天,鸭子们又不知道为什么吵吵闹闹的,于是奥蒂斯跳到一个圆木上想看个清楚。

7.Of course it bit me, and I think it showed uncommon restraint in holding back for so long while I had been fussing and poking about it.它当然会咬我。说实话,我觉得它有难得的控制能力。我忙乎了那么长时间,它居然忍耐了下来。

8.That friend of yours is married to a real nag. How does he stand her persistent fussing?你的那位喷油取了个多嘴婆,他怎么能受得了那无休止的唠叨呢?

9.Fussing over work exhausts and distracts me a lot from plenty of things in pfe.工作琐事让我倦极也犯懒去厘清很多生活事。

10.I'm sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden.我坐在草地上欣赏风景,不再去担心花园的杂草。