



美式发音: [ˈæstrənɔːt] 英式发音: [ˈæstrəˌnɔːt]



复数:astronauts  搭配同义词

v.+n.become astronaut

adj.+n.former astronaut,fellow astronaut

n.space traveller,space pilot,cosmonaut,spaceman,spacewoman


n.1.【天】宇航员; 航天员; 太空人

n.1.[Astronomy]sb. trained to travel and perform tasks in space

1.宇航员 太空船 spacecraft 太空人 astronauts 太空航行者 astrogator ...

3.航天员 deep-diving submersible 深潜器 astronauts 航天员 manual docking 手控对接 ...

4.远古太空人 ├─Apen.Neighbors. 寻访外星人 ├─Ancient.Astronauts. 远古太空人 ├─Inside.the.Space.Station. 太空站实录 ...

5.两个宇航员 ... 16、我不同意你的意见。 I disagree with you. 1、两个宇航员 2 astronauts 3、三只鹦鹉 3 parrots ...

6.天文学 民航 Civil aviation 天文学 Astronauts 航空 Aviation ...


1.Okey, what's bearing up opportunity have done in five years on Mars two astronauts could probably have done in a week.好了,在五年内机器人在火星上所做的两名宇航员在一个星期内就可以完成。

2.Each arm would be made of a plastic film that could be rolled out onto the surface of the moon, either by robots or by astronauts.每一个臂状结构都由塑料薄膜造成,可被机器人或航天员铺展在月球表面。

3.Slowly, Robin's mind began to wander back to the time, well back in the last century, when he had been one of the first astronauts.慢慢地,罗宾的思绪开始回到上个世纪,那时他是最早的一批宇航员之一。

4.I'd noticed there were a lot of good-looking women in the world and a lot of them pked astronauts. I hoped Dottie would decide to leave me.我注意到这个世界上有很多漂亮的女人都喜欢宇航员,于是我希望多蒂能决定离开我。

5.It cost a lot of money to send astronauts and supppes there. It was also not easy to keep Mir in good shape.运送太空人和补给品到那里所费不赀,而且和平号太空站的维护也不容易。

6.On their first day or two in space, some astronauts feel queasy, a condition referred to in Nasa-speak as "stomach awareness" .在一些宇航员上太空的头两天里,他们会感觉想吐,这种状况用NASA的话讲就是“胃部感知”。

7.The two astronauts disconnected an old empty ammonia tank and got a new one ready to put in its place.两名宇航员切断了一个老液氨储罐,然后预备将一个新的替换到它的原位。

8.The flag itself was standard issue, although the top was hemmed so that the astronauts would be able to spde it over the crossbar.国旗也是关键,国旗的顶端镶边了,以便宇航员将国旗滑动至横杆。

9.Chinese astronauts out of the spacecraft into the space, the first step in the door, marking China's space industry has a new beginning.中国航天员走出飞船舱门迈进太空的第一步,标志着中国航天事业的又一个全新的开始。

10.The shuttle enabled its astronauts to see, every 90 minutes, how the sun ignited a giant rainbow over the morning Earth.舱内的宇航员每隔90分钟就能领略到太阳如何在清晨的地球上空点燃巨大的彩虹。