


美式发音: [ˈfuˌtɑn] 英式发音: [ˈfuːtɒn]



复数:futons  同义词

n.mattress,air mattress,cushion,pad,bed



1.日本床垫(折叠可坐,铺开可卧)a Japanese mattress , often on a wooden frame, that can be used for sitting on or rolled out to make a bed

n.1.a type of firm mattress, used as a bed or sofaFutons were originally used in Japan.

1.蒲团 attachment: (两人间的)爱慕 futon蒲团,日本床垫 assume: 承担(责任);就(职) ...

2.被褥 saucy 漂亮 futon 蒲团,日式床垫 dash 破折号,奔跑 ...

5.折叠床 p shi)一大卖点,但这里的管家那让人惊叹的块速铺蒲团Futon)手法,简直像是专业表演。

8.布团 ... 敖游 to saunter;to travel 布团 futon 出游 to have an outing;to go on a tour ...


1."The people who pved the closest brought the big things pke the futon couch and the microwave, " she said.“住得最近的人就带沙发床和微波炉之类的大件物品,”她说。

2."Plastic tablecloths, there's designer clothing mixed with old futon covers, " she said.“塑料桌布,有设计师的服装与旧的被褥覆盖混合,”她说。

3.Now Futon presents an interface that allows you to define both a map function and a reduce function.现在,Futon接口可允许您定义map函数和reduce函数。

4.And if you wait till then, by the time you get the futon, it might be all over.并且如果你等到那时,在你买一个蒲团之前,一切可能都结束了。

5.Sleep under the stars in an Aussie-style swag bed or sleeping roll given a chic upgrade with a canopied futon-style platform base.睡在澳洲风格的吊床上看星星,又或是在一个带有帐子的别致软垫上来回翻滚。

6.But they don't understand that even if you gave me a choice between a bed and a futon, both free, no strings attached, I'd take the futon.但他们并不明白,即使让我在床和蒲团之间选择(两个都免费,无任何附加条件),我也会选蒲团。

7.I don't know if I should get a futon now or wait . . . till something comes up.我不知道我现在该不该弄个蒲团,或者是等……到事情发生。

8.All the types of furniture of futon have done enormous great steps these last years.所有类型的家具做了很大很大futon这些步骤最后岁月。

9.lay inert on the futon watching the green pseudo quartz of the capsule timer usher in his demise.考德威尔奠定惰性就被褥,看绿色的伪石英胶囊计时器,迎接他的灭亡。

10.I really loved the sponge that Rita turned into a futon.我非常喜欢Rita变成蒲团的那个片断。