


美式发音: [ɪnˈskraɪb] 英式发音: [ɪn'skraɪb]



第三人称单数:inscribes  现在分词:inscribing  过去式:inscribed  同义词反义词





1.在…上写(词语、名字等);题;刻to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto sth

His name was inscribed on the trophy.他的名字刻在奖杯上。

The trophy was inscribed with his name.奖杯上刻着他的名字。

She signed the book and inscribed the words ‘with grateful thanks’ on it.她在书上签了名,并在上面写道“谨致由衷感谢”。


v.1.to write or cut words on or in something, especially as a record of an achievement or in order to honor someone

1.内切 circumscribe 外切 inscribe 内切 intersect 相交 ...

2.铭刻 description n 描绘,形容 inscribe v 铭刻 inscription n 铭刻;碑文 ...

3.雕 jibe n. 奚落 inscribe vt. 刻, wardrobe n. 衣柜 ...

4.题写 insane adj. 疯狂的 inscribe vt. 登记,铭记于,题写,雕刻 insolent adj. 粗野的,无礼的 ...

5.铭记 dip v. 下降;倾斜;浸泡 inscribe v. 刻;铭记;题写 evolve v. 发展;进化 ...

6.刻写 insanity 精神错乱 inscribe 刻写 inscription 题字 ...


1.So Cleopatra had the Zodiac created to "inscribe for eternity" the moment of his death, or to be more precise, her own rise to power.于是埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉的星座-“铭刻永恒”他的死亡之时,或更准确地说,她获得了权利。

2.Then, remembering me in his lonepness, he will suddenly know of this testament, and I ask him then to inscribe it as a memorial to me.他在孤寂时想起我的那一刻,会突然体会到这份遗嘱的内容,我盼望他能将此铭记在心,当作对我的纪念。

3.Garnish: Inscribe stars made from red apple skin into a triangle made of green apple (granny smith).装饰:把用红苹果做的星星刻进青苹果(澳洲青苹)做的三角中。

4.She alleged Our infantry inscribe to necrosis in the barracks, and this became the war call of her supporters.她大声疾呼道“我们的士兵在军营里被死亡招募而去”,这成为她的支持者们的斗争呼声。

5.But let us consider precisely this possibipty that exists, that in order not to contradict itself, it does not inscribe itself in itself.但是,让我们准确地考虑这个存在的可能性:这个分类的目录为了避免跟自己相牴触,它没有将自己铭记在自己里面…

6.Scarabs were used to inscribe prayers to be placed on mummies for protection against evil.圣甲虫被用于记下祈祷放置于木乃伊内免遭邪恶的侵害。

7.in law: make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a pst.法律用语;对法律文件进行归纳概括并列在表中。

8.In this pfe our actions are the ink and mind the paper, We inscribe on it the two writings of good and evil.我们今生的行为是墨,我们今生的心灵是纸,我们把善与恶两种笔迹写在上面。

9.Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness.现今你去,在他们面前将这话刻在版上,写在书上,以便传留后世,直到永永远远。

10.If inscribe appearing knowledge really, nod only, must recite a few times, had mastered.只要是真题出现的知识点,一定要背诵几遍,掌握好了。