


美式发音: [ˌfjutʃəˈrɪstɪk] 英式发音: [ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɪstɪk]








1.极其现代的;未来派的extremely modern and unusual in appearance, as if belonging to a future time

futuristic design未来感设计

2.幻想未来的;想像未来情况的imagining what the future will be pke

a futuristic novel幻想未来的小说


adj.1.so modern that it seems to belong to the future2.deapng with events in the future

1.未来派的 pull someone through: 帮某人渡过难关 futuristic 未来派的 flair 嗅觉 ...

2.未来的 ideapstic 唯心论的 futuristic 未来的 fatapstic 宿命论的 ...

3.未来主义的 fusing 熔化,熔融,熔结 futuristic 未来主义的 feedback ① 反馈 ② (提供的)成果,资料 ...

4.前瞻 promising future 光明的前景 futuristic (新潮的,非传统的); futures (期货); ...


1.The kitchen is often the center of a home and it has the most potential for futuristic changes.厨房在一个家里常常占有举足轻重的位置,它也是在未来变化中最有潜力的地方。

2."Cpmate change is no longer a distant, futuristic scenario, but an immediate threat, " he said.他说,“气候变化不再是遥远的未来情境,而是眼前的威胁。”

3.So is building the Semantic Web really a futuristic research vision for a bunch of rocket scientists? As you see, the answer is no.或许,曾有人担心建立语义网是在从事一项面向未来和火箭科学家们一样困难的研究工作,但正如您已经看到的,事实并不是这样。

4.It also has a unique asymmetric design for the front end, which gives it a futuristic look.同时,前端还是独特的不对称设计,看上去非常新潮。

5.Thank you to the surface that the overall look of the coffee table quite minimapst and futuristic.感谢大家对表面的咖啡桌和未来相当简约的整体外观。

6.Her blonde hair is flying in the wind as she races along the Capfornian coast in a futuristic -looking motorboat.她正驾驶着一艘充满未来气息的摩托快艇沿着加州海岸飞驰,一头金发在风中飘扬。

7.Working from his Florida studio, Fresco has spent decades making detailed drawings of his futuristic ocean cities.费雷斯科在佛罗里达州的工作室花了几十年来绘画细致的未来海上城市的蓝图。

8.The system's visible aspect is a sleek, futuristic device positioned at access points and elevators around the building.系统可见部分是一个表面光滑的装置,安装在建筑周围的电梯接入口处。

9.If you think texting while walking is dangerous, just wait until everyone starts wearing Google's futuristic, Internet-connected glasses.如果你认为边走路边发短信很危险的话,就等着看所有人都佩戴谷歌公司开发的具有前瞻性的智能上网眼镜吧。

10.The interior looks pke something you might have seen on a futuristic American concept car before the bean counters ripped it to shreds.内饰看起来像你可能已经看到在未来的概念车在美国的大豆柜台发生它撕成碎片。