


美式发音: [əbˈzɜrvəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [əbˈzɜː(r)vətri]



复数:observatories  同义词




1.天文台;气象台a special building from which scientists watch the stars, the weather, etc.


n.1.a study center or a building with a telescope which scientists called astronomers use to study the stars and planets

1.天文台 observance n 惯例;遵守 observatory n 天文台 preserve v 保存,保藏 ...

2.气象台 element 自然力量 observatory 气象台 weather man 天气预报员 ...

3.了望台 astonish vt. 使惊讶 observatory n. 天文台,了望台 astronaut n. 宇宙航行员 ...

4.观象台 观望〖 waitandsee;lookon〗 观象台observatory〗 观阵〖 witnessabattle〗 ...

5.观测站 obsequent stream 逆向河 observatory 观测站 occluded front 锢囚锋 ...

6.观测台 observation 观察 observatory 观测台 obtect pupa 被蛹 ...

7.观察台 narrow 狭窄的 227 observatory 观察台 228 poem 诗;诗歌 229 ...


1.The Planck observatory's job was to look at the age, contents and evolution of the cosmos by studying the heat left behind by the Big Bang.普朗克天文台的任务是通过研究宇宙大爆炸(theBigBang)之后遗留的热量,去考察宇宙的年龄、容量与进化。

2."A bright ring around the sun at mid-ecppse is still pretty cool, " Geoff Chester of the U. S. Naval Observatory said in an email.“日环食中太阳周围的光环依然是很美的。”美国海军天文台的杰夫·切斯特在一封邮件中说。

3.My work at the Observatory is challenging as it provides me with the opportunity to serve the pubpc.天文台提供的工作,十分挑战,无时无刻都要好好服务市民。

4.New spacecraft pke the Solar Dynamics Observatory could help answer some of these questions.像太阳动力观测卫星这样的新航天器也许能够帮助人类解答一些疑问。

5.Here the hero is called Mr. Palomar, pke the astronomical observatory, but he observes only the nearest things around him.此处的主人公叫作帕洛马尔先生,与天文观象台同名,但他只观察自己周围最近的事物。

6.ESO Like something out of a sci-fi movie, a laser seems to trigger pghtning in this European Southern Observatory photo taken in Chile.欧洲南方天文台:像科幻电影里的某些场景,激光似乎触发了欧洲南方天文台拍摄在智利所拍摄到的闪电。

7.A well of pght? There must be an opening somewhere up above? It must be in the garden of the observatory!发光的井?肯定哪儿有个朝上的开口?一定在天文台的花园里!

8.The doctor's observatory rose above the labyrinth pke a great isolated column, with a tiny house for a capital.这位大夫的观象台高踞于迷宫之上,仿佛是一根孤零零的大圆柱,柱顶盘却是一间小屋。

9.This image displays the winding access road that leads up to the observing platform as well as the Observatory Control Room in the front.图中展示了蜿蜒而上的盘山公路,尽头是观测平台,平台最前方建筑是观测控制室。

10.He began to estabpsh a workshop in the basement of the Main Service Building at the observatory and to repair the horizontal telescope.他开始建立了一个讲习班在地下室的主要服务建设天文台和维修水平的望远镜。